So IDS wants to increase tax, thinks that raising the price of a pint will reduce binge drinking- rather than tackling social causes- and hitting the working men & women of the UK with yet another tax increase and its not as if we have not had enough of them off a certain Mr Brown is it?
So in one move he has alienated the whole working class, now if this is accepted by "Just call me" Dave. Guess its going to be another Tory leader elected and another few years on the wrong side of the house.
When will Torys, that is the New Torys actually get it? Raising taxes and telling people that you are planning to hit their way of enjoying themselves because of feckless chav vermin who can not drink socially, that is no way to get elected.
The Tories should stand for reducing, not raising taxes. Promise to sack some of the half billion people on the ever expanding public payroll Dave, or maybe tighten up on migration - let the hoards of dusty types know that even if they hang onto the bottom of Eurostar they will not have some divine right to stay in Ol Blighty along with the entire bleeding tribe from Bongoland(copyright the Alan Clark diaries), or cut the benefits for the hoards of parasitic dole scum who just want to breed at the taxpayers expense whilst enjoying modern day bread and circuses rather than working for a living.
The best way to tackle anti social drinking is a combination of on the spot fines - already in place - and alchol programs for those with problems.
Not raising taxes.
Ps Dave Cameron is a smug git, not a normal smug git but a smug git on the level of Tony "Honest Geezer" Blair. Same go's for Iain Duncan Smith.
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