'Al-Qa'eda will punish UK for Rushdie award'.
Blah blah blah, hold the front page. Another moslem having another sulk over somepercieved slight on the part of the infidels of the West.
And right on fucking cue its death, jihad and all the usual soundbites from the worthless savages of the Umma. Yep its papa jihad himself, repressed Al Zawahiri.
It would not be so bad if it was something original for a change, but seriously camel jockeys like Al-Zawahiri have no imagination to speak of.
He even addressed part of his boring tirade to old cyclops himself, PM Gordon Brown. Now how is that for amusing, Mr Brown wont mention moslem terrorism any more and forbids his lackeys from doing so, yet No. 2 in the camel abusing group Al-Qe'eda mentions him by name.
Sorry Mr Brown but no hiding from this one. You may not want to talk about them but they want to talk about you.
Only person I feel any damn sympathy for is Salman, sorry Sir Salman himself. He gets a knighthood, gets the moslems all upset an their collective panties get all bunched up and now the poor sod is going through a divorce as well.
By the time the bottom feeding lawyers have finished fiscally raping him, getting a head chopping from some ass hat barbarian might actually come as a relief.
Anyway back to Al-Zawahiri, what did he say? General jist was death blah blah blah, jihad blah blah blah, infidel blah blah blah, sulk blah blah blah, bombs blah blah blah, kuffir blah blah blah, cyclops Brown blah blah blah...
Same rubbish different camel jockey.

Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Camel jockey
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