From Up Pompeii:Link to original article
Abu Saif, member of Hizb - yells "Queen Elizabeth go to hell" etc. & declares sovereignty over UK & USA:
Islamic charity & Hizb linked to car bomb suspect:
Recent AU opinion column on why the West should ban Hizb:
"Mole" inside of Hizb describes how Westerners are "nothing" to them & Hizb forced him to commit crimes, etc"
Hizb is banned in three dozen countries and some Arab countries (but not UK)
Maybe Brown will care to cast his mono gaze a little closer upon them...
Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America.
"One day my dear Muslims," shouted Anjem Choudary, "Islam will govern Britain!"
Choudary was a co-founder of Al Muhajiroun, the now-banned group tied to suspects in the July 7, 2005, London transport bombings and a cheerleader of the 9/11 attacks.
"Democracy, hypocrisy," Choudary chanted as the crowd echoed him. "Tony Blair, terrorist! Tony Blair, murderer! Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!"
Muslim leader Abu Saif, who kept his voice at a fever pitch through declarations such as: "Brothers and sisters, make no mistake. Make no mistake. The British government, the queen, the MPs in this country, they are enemies to you, enemies to Allah and enemies to the Muslims."
Abu Saif is believed to be a member of the group Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Party of Liberation, which states its aim is to unify Muslims and establish Islamic rule over the world. The group's Cambridge cell reportedly had tried to recruit the Iraqi doctor now suspected of mounting the attack on Glasgow's airport June 30. The failed car-bomb assault followed two similar attempts in London the previous day.
Abu Saif spoke with disdain of Blair's appointment as a special envoy to the Middle East, issuing an apparent threat.
"Inshallah," meaning "Allah willing," he told the crowd, Blair will "go to the Middle East as an envoy, and he'll come back in a box. Inshallah. What box that is, we leave that up to you."
Like the UK, syndicated talk radio host Rusty Humphries said, the U.S. has three major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for living in the West is to help fulfill Islamic prophecies: The loss of border control, the inability to say no and lack of assimilation.
Humphries' interview with Abu Saif underscored the radically different vision many of Britain's citizens have for the country's future.
The Muslim leader said he does not believe in democracy and insists there is no such thing as freedom of religion, "because freedom is an absolute term."
"Are we to say that Muslims can fully practice religion in America," he asked in an attempt to explain. "Say, for instance, I was a Muslim in America. Could I call for the destruction of the American government and establishment of an Islamic state in America? No. So where is the freedom of religion? There is none."
Humphries asked: "Do you call for that?"
"Of course," he replied, "we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam."
Abu Saif explained Islam, like Christianity, has a prophetic tradition.
"One of the prophecies of the message of Muhammad was the hour will never come, i.e., the last day – which you also believe in – will never come until a group of the Muslims … will rise and conquer the white house."
The reference, many Muslims believe today, is to America's symbol of executive power.
Islamic leaders in the U.S. largely have been careful to not assert publicly the Muslim belief that Islam ultimately will gain worldwide supremacy. Omar Ahmad, the founder of a prominent U.S.-based Islamic lobby group, denies a newspaper report that he told a group of Muslims in the San Francisco Bay area they are in America not to assimilate but to help bring about Islam's rule over the nation.
Link: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=56503
**Rule over the UK, over my dead body you towel headed savages. Our leaders may be dhimmi scum, but as demonstrated in Glasgow a sound kicking to the bollocks can be handed out to members of the Umma.
Oh and had the vermin, sorry untermenchen vermin not ran away so fast on 21/7 a chap in his 70's would have had one of them crying like a little girl, something that he is no doubt doing tonight at the start of his life behind kuffir bars.
Whilst there are still people like fireman Angus Campbell who stood up to the savage on the train, a savage that planned on killing a baby, whilst there are chaps like Arthur Burton-Garbett, the elderly gent who still gave chase and I am sure had he caught the barbarian would have given him a damn fine thrashing.Whilst there are people who look down on jihadi scum, no way will al-quada wanna be's ever run this land. Every citizen who stands up against the acts of murderous barbarian savages, is worth more than a million useless cunts like Gordon Brown who lacks the backbone to point the blame in the right direction.
Meanwhile if you have read this, then stop them from having a nice meeting hall in London(istan): Scrap the Mega Mosque

Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Bombing
Alex McIlveen
John Smeaton
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