BBC bosses have been accused of wasting licence-fee money on teaching their staff not to lie.
The decision to send 16,500 employees on an "integrity" course in the wake of the fake TV shows scandal was condemned by MPs.
Two of the corporation's top executives appeared before a Commons committee investigating the affair.
Director general Mark Thompson is on a family holiday, so his deputy Mark Byford and chief operating officer Caroline Thomson were asked to explain how viewers were deceived by a string of shows including Children In Need and Comic Relief, as well as the doctored footage of the Queen
They were accused of "fighting a rearguard action" and being "dangerously out of touch" with the way programmes are made.
Tory MP Philip Davies asked: "Is funding a training programme to tell your staff not to lie and cheat viewers a good use of licence-fee payers' money? Perhaps you need to look at your recruitment process if you have to train them on such fundamentals as not lying or cheating?"
But Mr Byford insisted the training programme, called Safeguarding Trust, was a good idea.
He branded the deceptions totally unacceptable and said honesty was at the heart of the relationship between the BBC and its viewers....source:**You have to love our state broadcaster, funded by the public and completely isolated from the real world. Roll on the day it is either sold off, split up or closed down altogether.
A little tune on the license tax.
A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:
Tags:BBC Bias
Balen Report
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