Unelected PM Brown, who having taken over the nation when Blair ponced off to his job in the Middle East has denied us a voice on the new "revived EU constitution" even though it is also identical to the old rejected version on which Labour vowed to hold a vote.
Yes when they came to power they promised us a vote, a voice on how this nation should be run. Yet again they have lied, and the Government insists that the concept of a constitution has been ' abandoned', making a referendum unnecessary.
Yet the similarities between the treaties makes it a 'flagrant breach' of Labour's manifesto to refuse voters a say.
Analysts translating the text - which has been published only in French - have called it the 'cut-and-paste constitution' because they say 96 per cent is the same as its 2005 predecessor. In fact our MPs will go on their summer break without even seeing an English translation.
However, the think-tank Open Europe said huge sections of the document are word-for-word the same as the 2005 version, which was abandoned when voters in France and the Netherlands rejected it.
Open Europe claims only ten out of 250 proposals have been changed at all. Director Neil O'Brien said: 'We have been able to translate the text quickly because we could mostly just cut and paste the English text from the old constitution. The con they are trying to carry out here is just stunning - this is the cut-and-paste constitution.'
Business leaders have also weighed in, insisting the revised EU constitutional treaty would be 'bad for business, and bad for Britain.'
**Shame on them, if its not dodgy honours for donors and a whitewash afterwards, its selling out our nation to the european empire without a fight. Yet what are out politicians doing, many have their minor pet causes and so will ignore this, others seem to be avoiding all mention of the issue.
As for my local MP's one seems to be working her way through the latest Harry Potter, although she is probably getting help with the big words off her kid(that's Jessica Morden MP) and the other(Paul Flynn) seems to be more concerned with the "human rights" or Shambo the tb reactor.
Oh and one MP who is supposed to be leader of the opposition is out of the nation, hugging African children or some such nonsense.
Source: The Daily Mail
*From Barroso, El Presidenta of the European Commission/Empire."Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the organisation of Empires. We have the dimension of Empire but there is a great difference. Empires were usually made with force with a centre imposing diktat, a will on the others. Now what we have is the first non-Imperial empire. We have 27 countries that fully decided to work together and to pool their sovereignty. I believe it is a great construction and we should be proud of it. At least, we in the Commission are proud of it."
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