The Islamic State of Iraq has been beheaded. VIA ABCNEWS:
Hat tip to Jawa Report:My Pet Jawa
"Al-Mashhadani is believed to be the most senior Iraqi in the al-Qaida in Iraq network," Bergner said. He said al-Mashhadani was a close associate of Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born head of al-Qaida in Iraq.This man was the the leader of the infamous Ansar al-Sunnah before he joined ISI. Ansar al-Sunnah is a particularly brutal group of terrorists who are famous for beheading hostages on video.Bergner said al-Mashhadani served as an intermediary between al-Masri and Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri.
"In fact, communication between the senior al-Qaida leadership and al-Masri frequently went through al-Mashhadani," Bergner said.
"Along with al-Masri, al-Mashhadani co-founded a virtual organization in cyberspace called the Islamic State of Iraq in 2006," Bergner said. "The Islamic State of Iraq is the latest efforts by al-Qaida to market itself and its goal of imposing a Taliban-like state on the Iraqi people."
Hurrah, and many more people will now live that this loon has been caged. Now lets hope the US fit him with a nice jumpsuit and a delux cage in Club Gitmo.

Four of the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed have been jailed in Britain for their role in attempting to incite violence at a protest over cartoons depicting Mohammed.
Four men have been jailed for six years each for encouraging murder during the Islamic cartoon protests.Mizanur Rahman, 24, Umran Javed, 27, and Abdul Muhid, 25, were convicted of soliciting murder during separate trials at the Old Bailey. Abdul Saleem, 32, was jailed for four years for stirring up racial hatred at the protest in 2006....
They had protested outside the Danish Embassy in London after the publication of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist appeared in a Danish newspaper.
Javed, of Birmingham, was recorded on video by the police shouting: "Bomb, bomb Denmark. Bomb, bomb USA."
Muhid, of Whitechapel, east London, led the crowd in chants of: "Bomb, bomb the UK".
Rahman, of Palmers Green, north London, was convicted of soliciting murder and inciting race hate after calling for soldiers to be brought back from Iraq in body bags.
Judge Brian Barker, the Common Serjeant of London, said their words had been designed to encourage murder and terrorism.
Here we see the four lovely examples of Blair/Brown's Cool Brittania experiment.
Rahman, Javed and Muhid were jailed for six years for soliciting murder and three years concurrently for stirring up race hate.
A fourth man, Abdul Saleem, 32, was cleared of soliciting murder at his trial but convicted of inciting race hate.
Saleem, of Poplar, east London, was said to have been the cheerleader and was heard to chant "7/7 on its way" and "Europe you will pay with your blood".
He was jailed for four years.
The cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed caused outrage in the Islamic, world where images of Mohammed are not allowed.**And just for them and their intolerent women folk, here is a nice pic of Mo. Civilization 3, barbarians 0. Gives me a warm feeling, knowing that not all our justice system has been reduced to dhimmi status, talking of dhimmi's this spineless asshat who whined on and protested has crawled back under his stone as well..
**Oh seems that we have some more naughty moslems, or rather moslem:
Yassin Nassari, who tried to smuggle rocket-making plans, beheading videos, and jihad literature into Britain, has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison.
Nassari, by the way, was head of the Islamic Society at the University of Westminster.
Judge Gerald Gordon said at the Old Bailey that he accepted Nassari did not plan to make use of the extremist material.
But he added: “I have come to the conclusion that sadly, like a number of other young Muslims, you have somehow been indoctrinated into beliefs which support the use of terrorism by others.”
Nassari, bearded and wearing a skull cap, smiled and clenched his fists as he turned to look at his wife in court and blew her a kiss as he went down to the cells.
Oh and now for the Wednesday hero:
Even after having been thrown several meters, knocked unconscious, set aflame and buried under rubble all as a result of a suicide-vehicle-borne IED, a Fort Riley medic braved small-arms fire to save the lives of fellow Soldiers and Iraqi policemen last year.
Cpl. Clinton Warrick received the Army's third highest award for valor during a June 18, 2007 ceremony at Riverside Park for his actions during a Sept. 18, 2006, insurgent attack at the Al Huryia Iraqi Police Station.
Maj. Gen. Carter Ham (soldier on the right), commanding general of the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley, present Cpl. Warrick the Silver Star and other awards before his family and friends, and his former 300th MP Co. platoon leader, company commander and first sergeant.
"This is one of Fort Riley's great Soldiers - one of our real, no-kidding heroes," Maj. Gen. Ham said at the ceremony. "It is right and proper that we come here to present you this award for valor. It is heroes like this who make our Army the best in the world and our nation so strong."
You can read the rest of Cpl. Warrick's story here.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
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Tags: Al-Mashhadani
Mizanur Rahman
4 people have spoken:
Some of those prison sentences don't seem very long, do they? If I had my way they would never get out ... or execution! A dead terrorist never caused any problems.
I don't understand the women in Islam. What woman in her right mind would want to go around in a black a sheet?
Ever notice how these terrorists sing like canaries when they are nabbed? Wimps.
Good for you, posting that. These guys deserve all the recognition we can give them.
Prison? I thought he'd be summarily executed. Leaving monsters like this alive is the height of stupidity.
Agreed, he should be killed but alas we have the Human Rights Act and a whole hoard of bottom feeding lawyers.
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