

The National Debt Clock.

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Priorities? Helping with floods, no its ID cards.

Whilst large parts of the UK lack drinking water, whilst people wonder how they are going to get their lives back to together be they insurered or not. Whilst business men and women wonder how they will manage to start trading again once the flood waters receed, the government is of course spending money on the important things...

What important things, well ID cards of course. Sod the floods and the mere plebs who have been affected by that: Computing reports:

"The government has spent £53m on consultants for the national biometric identity card scheme, and continues to use 83 external contractors at a cost of nearly £50,000 per day.

The figures are more than double the value of the original £19m pre-procurement consultancy contract signed in 2004, according to data released to Computing by the
Home Office under the Freedom of Information Act."

List of those self serving amoral bastards, sorry beloved MP's who voted for ID cards: List of over paid pigs with their heads deep in the tax payers pockets.

Oh and lets not forget the 10 grand that MP's voted themselves so they can set up webshites to "inform us" of what is going on in parliment. Another vaste waste of public money.

Meanwhile MP's fiddle while the UK floods, happily throwing billion after billion at the Olympics ever spiraling bill...
"The cost of staging London’s Olympics is expected to soar even higher, campaigners warned yesterday. The TaxPayers’ Alliance claimed the final bill could top £12.6billion — a figure based on over-runs for the 2004 Athens Olympics and a hard-hitting report by the Government’s official spending watchdog.

The TPA’s claims the original budget may have to be quadrupled came amid growing concern the “revised” budget was under severe strain. Olympics minister Tessa Jowell has revealed Treasury panicking over costs means the main stadium will not have a roof." -
Daily Express

Then we have the billions pissed away on pet projects abroad, bribes to shifty dictators, slush funds for dodgy Saudi's, private jets for African dictators. In short what is jokingly refered to as aid to undeserving, shiftless types abroad: £5.3 billion a year by 2007-08 compared to £3.8 billion in 2004-05; an average annual increase of 9.2 per cent in real terms over the three years of the Spending Review period - the highest budget increase in percentage terms of any government department.

But wait it gets better, by better I mean the level of government ineptitude that is: In 2002, the European Union set up a "solidarity fund" to come to the aid of any member state in the event of a major national disaster. The fund, paid for in part by British taxpayers, has an annual budget of one billion euros, and was used in 2002 to help flood victims in central Europe.

**Ok so where is the money?

It will intervene in cases of natural disasters with serious repercussions on living conditions and includes money to restore infrastructure, including energy, drinking water and sewerage.
**Ok so where is the money?

Some are 350,000 people are in Gloucestershire now without running water since a treatment plant was swamped, and it is estimated that they will have to wait a week before the problems are fixed.

**Ok so where is the money?

Our being the poor man of the EU, costs each one of us £873 a year. In 2002, the European Commission allocated 728 million euros to Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and France following the floods which caused huge amounts of damage in those countries.

Last year, it gave 92.88 million euros to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden following storms which devastated the areas.

**Ok so where is the money?

The estimated cost of the floods in the UK is currently at £2 billion, well within the amount required by the EU for emergency funds. So why has our Government not done anything about this?

**Ok so where is the money? Well the plain answer for that is that they dont care about people here in the UK, so long as they have their index linked pensions, annual pay rises on top of inflation and what ever else the elected pigs can snaffle up then its a case of fuck you the tax payer.

Requests have been written to the FCO, who have so far done nothing were last heard laughing long and hard at the suffering of the people of the United Kingdom. Any pro europeans or New Liebour scum fancy arguing these points?

One final point here, having looked at a lot of politico's web pages there seems to be very little on most of them about the floods, lots on some about the rights of some bloody cow called Shambo but bugger all on helping our own people. Shame on them.
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Update, just this week these storys of waste have hit the news(hat tip Burning our money)
EU water directives blow £65bn- "Water bills have already been soaring in recent years. But by far the greater part of that money has been spent, not on repairing pipes and drains, to avoid floods and provide us with extra water, but on complying with three over-the-top EU directives on water purification. As the Government admitted to Lord Pearson of Rannoch, these directives have so far cost us no less than £65 billion, leaving the water companies with only £14 billion to spend on infrastructure." (Sunday Telegraph 29.7.07)

£24,000 bonus for flood quango chief- "SENIOR executives at the Environment Agency face new controversy after it emerged last night that they received five-figure “performance bonuses” shortly before the recent floods hit Britain. Baroness Young, the quango’s chief executive, got a bonus of about £24,000 on top of her £163,000 salary. A further eight executives, including the director of water management, shared in the bonus handout last month. The average paid to each executive was equivalent to 10% of their salaries, although Young received 15%." (Sunday Times 29.7.07)

Metal tree costs £350,000- "Plans approved for a 21 ft tall metal sculpture tree, surrounded by floodlights in cleared woodland... The creation, called Tree Stories, is part of a £12 million "Greening for Growth" initiative to improve the environment of Stoke-on-Trent. But angry locals have likened it to the Blackpool Illuminations. They say it makes a mockery of a campaign by the council to encourage residents to cut back on their own energy use by driving less and not leaving their televisions on standby. With eight 26 ft high lights and 30 floor lights, the £350,000 project does not appear to be a shining example of carbon-neutral policy... In all, 20 trees will be removed to make way for Tree Stories." (Sunday Telegraph 29.7.07)

£6m on limos for Ministers- "The government spent nearly £6m last year on cars and drivers to ferry ministers around. The cost of providing 86 ministerial cars in 2006-07 was £5,902,900 - up from £5.47m the previous year." (BBC News 26.7.07)

£484,000 for typing injury- "A CLERK in the RAF has been paid £484,000 compensation for an RSI-style wrist injury—nearly NINE TIMES what a soldier would get if his leg was blown off in action. The scandalous payout, which will astonish troops who have been mutilated in Iraq and Afghanistan, went to an unnamed typist in her twenties who developed the strain in her right hand. Yet a serving soldier who comes home from war suffering "permanent severely impaired grip in both hands" would receive only £16,500 compensation. The official tariff of payments to servicemen and women shows they can expect just £28,750 for blindness in one eye, £57,500 for loss of a leg and £8,250 for injuries sustained surviving a gunshot wound to the torso." ( News of the World 29.7.07)

1 people have spoken:

SwampRabbit said...

If it doesn't generate income for a chosen elite it doesn't get funded, bottom line. The establishment is a cryptoslave control matrix.