Archeologists digging at a secret site in the Middle East have discovered a beautifully preserved picture of the Prophet's wife.
Hans Gluckmeister, the leader of the expedition was quoted as saying "this should put to rest once and for all the scandalous lies that claim the Prophet was a paedophile. This picture was found among wedding artefacts and is obviously a woman of mature years"

Hat Tip crusader-rabbit
5 people have spoken:
Glad you liked it. ;-)
Would it be churlish to point out that it's considered polite to acknowledge the source?
Hi there, funny pic, where did you get it from, i'd like to email a blogger friend of mine and get him to post it, but want to give the proper credits off course?
Xerces, go to http://crusader-rabbit.blogspot.com/2007/08/this-just-in.html
thats the original.
KG forgot to credit you, that now done. Call it a Homer Simpson moment. Doh!
Thanks fido--I never realised you and The Lone Voice were one and the same!
You're not the only one to have a doh! moment.
I call in every few days--love the blog. :-)
OK no worries, thanks for that.
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