We here a lot about the evils of Israel and of the United States from certain members on the left.
Only the other year we had many members of the House of Commons calling for the house to be recalled when Israel defended itself. But these same state of Israel hating members are now silent when other nations in that area are involved in conflicts against the same people.
On another level we here little from these same MP's and other groups with regards China. Next time you are in Tesco or Asda/any damn supermarket for cheap cheap slave labour produced goods from a hard line communist regime, then take a look at this and see if you can morally justify your purchase.
That said it is far easier to pick on a democracy like Israel or the US than a hard line communist dictatorship like China, who happens to make lots of cheap MP3 players, jeans, cd's, dresses, bras etc etc etc...

2 people have spoken:
Those images are horrible. These look like children or young women. I would love to find the back story that goes with the pictures. I have sent them to someone who speaks and reads the language, maybe they can read those signs for me. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Yeah that be good, more info the better. Will do a re run on it when we know.
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