Paul Flynn coward, liar and traitor.

Alas his plans were foiled by the DNK detonating a nuclear device, which on the one hand shows how dangerous they as a nation are and also how little they respect Paul Flynn MP as they knew he had planned to visit them well in advance.
**As someone who's father held back the butchers of international communism, who helped to stop them setting up death camps in what is now South Korea, who helped keep the people of South Korea free and for all the people who opposed communism in all its evil forms, as someone who believes in freedom.
I feel disgusted that an MP from the UK is selling freedom out from under us, as well as spitting in the faces of those veterans who died and took up arms to hold the line against the murdering scum who now run North Korea.
They took up arms to fight for freedom. Something that a sniveling amoral coward like Paul Flynn MP would never have the guts to do. Instead as he has shown by his actions he would rather be a communist running dog crawling on his stomach before his masters.
Oh and Paul Flynn on his read my drivel, sorry day blog - has stated that he plans at some point to go back to DNK, lets hope he doesn't wear out the knees on his trousers whilst fawning. And so a tribute to his idol, Kim Jong II - The Brilliant Commander.
Kim Jong II - The Great Economist(reminds me of Gordon Brown,,,)
Children left to starve in North Korea, by friend of Paul Flynn -Kim Jong's socialist paradise.
Peoples great leader & friend of Paul Flynn MP - The Great Athlete.
Tags:Paul Flynn
Chris Chapman
Cheryl Gillan
Endowment Justice Ltd
2 people have spoken:
Your damn right about the shit Paul Flynn. I met him once, years ago when he was a crawling councillor.
A bigger piece of shit you hope never to meet. How I restrained from punching his lights out I have no idea.
Excellent work. Still trying to arrange that drink.
Another post on DNK Paul Flynn is now up, finally getting around to catching up on last months e-mails!
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