Work for the government and fly to the Falklands for a mere forty five notes, put you life on the line to liberate the Falklands and it will cost you over a grand to visit the Falklands. Which when you think about it is hardly a fair situation. Someone working- sorry employed as government employees do not understand the concept of work- for the Ministry of Pointless Paper Regulations and Petty Rules can hop off on a jolly to the falklands for 45 quid, whilst ex military have to pay full whack.
Some more can be found here and also this Link.
There is also a petition: Please Sign This Petition
Details: There are in the region of 8000 veterans that for one reason or another need to return to the falkland Islands, To put old ghost to rest. visit places that they served to protect .At present there are two option available for veterans to travel, the RAF or by civilian flights RAF takes in a one stop flight and this is 20hrs, at a cost of £1169 + £20 airport tax.
The civilian route is to Spain then Chile then Falklands, upto 3 days cost of £980.These flights can be given to veterans vastly reduced. This would give financial relief to veterans and the organisation that support them, At present for a veteran to afford these flight you need to go through a vetting system and be means tested to get support from The Royal British legion, SSAFA and other Associations, But this put a massive strain on the limited resources, when these flight go to the Falkland Islands half empty on a regular basis to support the military garrison on the Islands.It is time that the Government and MOD stepped up and starts supporting British Forces Veterans in their rehabilitation. Not to put red tape and bureaucratic obstacles in their way.Please sign goal: 1,000,000 signatures.
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