Story from the Daily Mail on illegal migrant scum getting custards creams and bourbon biscuits at the taxpayers expense.
Asylum seekers at one of Britain's biggest detention centres have won the right to eat custard cream and bourbon biscuits after complaining they did not like the chocolate variety provided.
The bizarre victory for hundreds of detainees at the Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire came after private sector managers caved in to a series of demands.
These included the provision of extra TV channels, among them the dance music channel MTV Base and religious channels, DVD players with the technology to play discs originating in Africa and better-quality, "Tilda" brand rice.
**So while we all have to pay for our SKY or cable, as well paying for a tv license to watch tv here in the UK, these illegal migrants who should be back in their own nations get free cable and DVD players, plus posh biscuits. This is their reward for rioting and burning the place down, the taxpayers stump up the bill and the lunatics in charge give them everything they desire.
Five years ago, the centre was burned down in a riot by detainees complaining about poor conditions and it has since been rebuilt.
The extended "shopping list" includes a request from female detainees for specialised glue for their hair extensions and hair relaxer – a lotion used to straighten curly hair.
Women at the centre have also demanded more comfortable mattresses, more than one pillow and towel, and better-quality flip-flops.
**Now when they say about being able to buy goods that is an error, these illegal migrants and other assorted criminals are given money by the state. Yes taxpayers money is doled out to them whilst their cases drag on and on and on, thus allowing them free goods from the centre's shop. The term "buy" is a fancy accounting term to disguise the fact they are handed dole money.
They also want to be able to buy Body Shop and Avon cosmetics from the centre's shop.
Detainees have asked for bigger meal portions and for food contents to be displayed in case detainees have allergies, for pork to be added to the menu and more varied salads.
They have also requested the reintroduction of tea bags, claiming the usual tea was "disgusting."
**Poor lambs my heart bleeds, what ever happened to the days when prisons ran on bread and water. Hell next thing they will even be opening a bar for the poor darlings to have a few free ales, all paid for from the handouts they get from the taxpayers in the UK.
Their long list of demands has come under fire from opposition MPs, who have criticised Serco – the security and tagging firm that runs the centre on behalf of the Home Office – for its handling of the situation.
Confidential minutes of meetings between female detainees at Yarl's Wood and managers from Serco reveal that management has already agreed to provide music systems in every dining room, better-quality "Tilda" rice, more arts and craft materials and new coffee machines after complaints about the taste of the beverage, plus hair straighteners for people with curly hair.
The minutes from the meetings – on May 31 and July 3 this year – disclose that the 405 residents, made up of women and families awaiting deportation, have access to acupuncture treatments and to a "sensory room" where they can relax.
**WTF? Acu-fucking-puncture. Jesus wept! Should I ever want to have acupuncture I would have to pay through the nose for it. These illegals get this for free.
The May meeting disclosed: "There was also a request for a variation to the chocolate biscuits that are distributed every day, and could they possibly have a change like the packets they were given a couple of weeks ago (custard creams, bourbons etc)."
Under "Any other business", the minutes say: "Residents requested more TV channels to include MTV Base and religious channels."
**MTV Base after all you can't stop Somali's listing to their gangsta rap as it would be a breach of the fuckers human rights. As for the religious channels, well I am sure that they get The Jihad Channel again as part of their human rights.
Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis said last night: "The public will wonder if detainees are being put up in an immigration centre or the Ritz.
"This is happening because of the utter shambles the asylum and immigration system is in under this Government.
"Instead of being dealt with quickly and efficiently, detainees are kept for months on end in removal centres.
**Hanging the fuckers would deal with them quickly, or is that a bad idea?
"This costs the taxpayer millions, diverts urgently needed resources from other areas like the removal of foreign prisoners and leads to the kind of ludicrous situations we see here."
A Serco spokesman said last night: "None of these changes has cost the taxpayer any money. We signed a contract with the Home Office and we get paid a contract fee. So, if we improve things, it will have come from our own budget.
**A slight error there, as the contract is ongoing and allows for expenses to be claimed back, thus the tax payer pays for all this crap. Its called creative accounting.
"Management at Yarl's Wood went back to their supplier and now custard creams and bourbon biscuits will be available on some days.
"We make no apology for listening to the concerns of detainees and doing what we can to ensure they are held decently with humanity and dignity."
A spokesman for the Home Office quango, the Borders and Immigration Agency, said: "Detention is an essential element in the effective enforcement of immigration control.
"Detention centre rules recognise that detainees are not prisoners and we provide a wide range of activities and facilities to help them use their time constructively."
**Welcome to Blair & Brown's New Multicultural Cool Britannia, where savages get everything laid out on a plate for them(including decent biscuits!) whilst the rest of the nation drowns under floods and ever rising taxes.
Some previous Harmondsworth riot - tax payers pay to keep indolent savages like Diyako Rasul in a life of ease with his slag Joanne Bean and Harmondsworth run by loony lefties for the benefit of illegal migrant scum and Book in for a spell inside hotel prison and Riot and a big Mac and: Lost 14 illegal migrant savages.
Tags: Harmondsworth Immigration Detention Centre, Immigration, New Labour, Anne Owers, Peter Tatchell,Joanne Bean, Diyako Rasul,
Campsfield Detention Centre,
2 people have spoken:
I'd like to say deport them but I'd be called a racist.
I'd like to see them hung, so guess I am not going to be employed by the BBC or The Guardian any time soon.
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