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Red Ken Livingstone - Crocodile tears.

London mayor Ken Livingstone broke down in tears as he apologised for his London's role in the transatlantic slave trade, saying the city is still tainted by it.

**Although not a fraction as much as nations that still allow slavery in all its forms.

The notoriously outspoken Livingstone seldom apologises for anything, but he choked up as he read an account of the brutal tortures suffered by slaves in Britain's Caribbean colonies.

**Strange how he also made no mention that much of the so called African slave trade was organised by and run by moslem arabs and African tribes. In fact black troops from Jamaica were used to stop the slave trade by the Ashanti and other tribes after we had ceased the slave trade in the British Empire. Maybe Red Ken could research that little fact..
Here we see The Grand Poobah Red Ken pretending to cry, I am sure a quick hand shandy from Hugo Chavez will make him feel a lot better.

And the politician once nicknamed 'Red Ken' for his left-leaning views angrily denounced the role of his city's corporations in financing the trade.

"You can look across there to see the institutions that still have the benefit of the wealth they created out of slavery," Livingstone said, pointing through a huge window at the skyscrapers cluttering London's financial district.

**But Ken no mention of the moslem wealth generated from the African slave trade? No mention of the Ottoman(moslem) slave traders who opened up much of Africa? No mention of that funding the Islamic Renaissance of the late middle ages upto the 19th century or how the Barbary states grew wealthy through that trade? In fact no mention of how nations like Mali made a fine living off of the enslavement of their "African brothers and sisters."

"As mayor, I offer an apology on behalf of London and its institutions for their role in the transatlantic slave trade."

US civil rights campaigner the Reverend Jesse Jackson praised the statement, saying Livingstone broke important ground with his remarks.

**And I say fuck you and your apology you cunt.

Jackson said apologies should lead to reparations.

**Well of course that is what it is all about, some free money, guilt culture and blaming someone else for all the ills of Africa. So as all the salves are now dead, all the slavers are also dead, who exactly shall pay? Can we expect a cheque from the former Barbary states on the part of their involvement in the slave trade?

Livingstone did not explicitly mention restitution, but his tearful expression of remorse went further than then-Prime Minister Tony Blair's statement on the 200th anniversary of the law that ended the slave trade in March.

Blair expressed his deep sorrow, but did not make a direct apology.

Livingstone said London would mark the horrors of slavery with an annual memorial day timed to coincide with the UN's International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, held every August 23.

**Maybe we could mention many African states that still allow slavery today, The Sudan being a prime example. When they apologise for enslaving Africans then and only then should we apologise. Don't hold ya breath waiting for that.

London played a central role in the slave trade, outfitting, financing and insuring many of the ships that ferried living cargo to plantations in the New World. Revenue from the trade helped fund the construction of London's docks.

London is not the first to apologise for the trade. Liverpool, one of the great European slave-trading ports, formally apologised in 1999.

**Mind you I am sure that black supremacist groups like Ligali run by the wankstain Toyin Agbetu will lap this fawning by Red Ken up. A good fisk of Toyin here: Devils fisk of the loudmouth racist prick Toyin Agbetu
and my piece: on the racist arsehole and total cunt toyin agbetu


Link: Story about Red Kens false tears in The Mail

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

It's almost too pathetic for words.
Why not stand outside the French Embassy and beg forgivness for the 100 years war?

Fidothedog said...

Indeed, then we could demand in turn that Italy pay us monies due to the conquest and occupation by the Roman Empire.

In fact thinking about it, I am sure that the repression of my ancestors by the Romans has held me back and so I need some damages off the state of Italy.

Say about a half million euro's will help me get over the stress.