EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – A group of European lawmakers has thrown its support behind a campaign calling on EU capitals to grant asylum to 45 men wrongly-imprisoned(like the Tipton Taliban who although released thanks to the cowardice of New Liebour were guilty as hell) in the US military base in Guantanamo, Cuba.
"Innocent civilians continue to languish in Guantanamo despite being cleared for release...EU governments should step in and offer this group of persecuted individuals some hope", Dutch green MEP Kathalijne Buitenweg told EUobserver on Wednesday (26 September).
**They languish there because they have refused to leave and go back to their home nations, claiming that they might be tortured and knowing that soft wester nations will take them in and give them a David Cameron style hug.
"By not acting the European Union will become responsible for their misery", Ms Buitenweg added.
**This so shows the typical attitude of the EU, we have to take them otherwise we are responsible for their problems. Quite why some asian nation is unable to take them the EU doesn't explain?...
Just what the EU needs, lots more moslem savages looking to blow up infidels and spread "holy jihad" through the lands of dar-el-harb.
3 people have spoken:
If these wannabe terrorists need a home let the Yanks take them in. After all the Yanks took them there in the first place, not the UK, Germans, Dutch or French!
Besides, we have enough home grown terrorists we don't need any more!
Will Kathalijne Buitenweg agree to take personal responsiblity for their conduct, thus if they revert to Jihadi mode, we get to strap a bomb to her and her ilk and blow it up.
I am sure that - like the Tipton Taliban - they will cross their fingers, swear to be good little boys and then make a packet writting books and doing interviews for fawning BBC/Guardian hacks.
Maybe even other "docu-drama" like the piss poor and inaccurate "Road to club Gitmo."
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