Some more lunacy from PC Britain, you read these stories and aside from them being true the saddest point is the utter waste of police time and effort in bringing these cases through the legal system in the first place.
First off:Five thousand pound court case over 1p damage...
A schoolboy who caused one penny's worth of criminal damage to a plastic bag was dragged through the courts at a cost of £5,000.
- The 16-year-old, who cannot be named, yesterday pleaded guilty to snatching a carrier bag from a 13-year-old girl and breaking its handles.
- Magistrates ordered him to complete six hours' community work after hearing that the incident left the younger pupil too scared to walk to school.
Girl fingerprinted for using a crayon on a wall
- GIRL Guide Shannon Smith, 10, was fingerprinted by the police and fined £40 after marking a neighbour’s wall with crayon. The tearful little girl was also threatened with an Asbo.
- Last night the fine was withdrawn but Shannon’s mother Helen said: “It is obvious the police didn’t have anything better to do at that time of day – like chasing proper criminals.”
12 year olds hauled in for damaging a tree
- To the 12-year-old friends planning to build themselves a den, the cherry tree seemed an inviting source of material.
- But the afternoon adventure turned into a frightening ordeal for Sam Cannon, Amy Higgins and Katy Smith after they climbed into the 20ft tree - then found themselves hauled into a police station and locked in cells for up to two hours.
- Their shoes were removed and mugshots, DNA samples and mouth swabs were taken.
- Officers told the children they had been seen damaging the tree which is in a wooded area of public land near their homes.
- Questioned by police, the scared friends admitted they had broken some loose branches because they had wanted to build a tree house, but said they did not realise what they had done was wrong.
Police haul in hopscotch criminal
When Lisa Badland gave her five-year-old son Ryan some coloured chalks to mark out a hopscotch court outside her home, she expected him to have an afternoon of innocent fun.
Little did she imagine that he would end up in trouble with the police.
Yet that is what happened when two policemen, acting on a tip-off from a neighbour, arrived in a quiet cul-de-sac, lined up Ryan and five young friends and told them off for drawing "graffiti".
Remarkably, when the children's parents emerged from their homes to find out what was going on, the constables instructed them not to let their children play in the street or draw on the road or pavement. One mother said that she was also advised that one child was not dressed warmly enough.
Then we have the case of being "tooled up" with an elastic band.Elastic band criminal hauled in
Then a ten year old charged with being "tooled up" with some fruit, oh and this was after he was attacked by a Slovakian with an iron bar.
10 year old may be charged over assault with fruit.
Mind at least when arresting these serious criminals the police are not standing about watching children die.
**It used to be that when we joked about the lunatics taking over the asylum, we were normally referring to the politicians, judges, members of the chattering classes, Guardian readers and other members of the out of touch elite. Sadly it seems that the wave of madness has reached the levels of the humble police constable.
Tags: Nanny State, Big Brother, Cool Britannia, Political Correctness
3 people have spoken:
Ah, think of it this way, all the time our brave and clearly overworked constabulary is hauling in kids for what were once just "tick offable" offences, then they don't have to risk life and limb dealing with real crime like mugging, knife crime, drug crime and rounding up illegal immigrants as they jump off the backs of lorries on the M1!
I've long known the police were the chattering classes nowadays.
I did think you made light of the actual event of the first example, it basically involved a young teen girl being mugged and who now claims to be afraid to walk to school. And at 16 the wee scrote should have known better - but the other examples are bang on what's wrong.
Especially when we're seeing 10 year olds being fingerprinted or having their DNA taken. That's the real scandal in all this.
True, the whole point was to mock the pc attitude infesting the police, granted it comes down from the chattering classes but seems to be spreading into the rank and file of the force.
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