Brainless New Labour types in the government plan to to remove any reference to the Queen—thats our head of state by the way—from British passports.
- The new documents, which could be in place as early as 2010, would bear reference to the EU constitution in order to remind UK citizens that they are part of Europe.
- The first page of the British passport has historically featured the royal coat of arms with a message from the Queen beginning: "Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State".
- The words go on to outline that the citizen has a right to travel freely and has the right to protection and assistance.
- Under new changes, however, it has been suggested that the coat of arms are scrapped and replaced by the EU emblem of 12 stars with the message underneath reading: "Every citizen of the Union".
The new version has been taken from Article 20 of the EU Constitution, the treaty that was discredited two years ago after it was rejected by member states including France and the Netherlands.
- This particular section of the treaty reminded citizens that they were part of Europe and had rights as an EU citizen.
- A spokesman from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: "The changes relate to Article 20 of the EU Treaty which proposes EU language to be inserted into British passports.
- "It's still under consideration and no decision has been taken yet."
You want to bet? The one eye'd traitor and unelected by the people of the United Kingdom, Gordon "cyclops" Brown has already stated he sees no reason for us to even have a vote on the Constitution Reform Treaty, that said when he signs it we won't be having any choice over any damn thing any more anyway.
- Now, the new versions of the passport would state that Britain is obliged to look after the citizens of other EU countries on the same basis as its own nationals.
- Article 20 of the treaty, on which the revised wording would be based, states that if an EU citizen does not have his own government to look after him he can expect assistance from any other EU state he chooses.
Oh and if the UK consulate is closed or just can't be arsed to turn up(as it is after 5pm local time) then you get some official from some other state turn up.
More fun from Blair & Brown's New & Improved Cool Britannia.
Again fucking damn them all to hell and back again. Fucking amoral cunts the lot of them.

The Queen
EU constitution
2 people have spoken:
Bloody Hell!
UK out of control
Australia not far behind
I pray John Howard wins
The people MUST rise
True if we don't fight back against this, we become part of the Greater EU Empire.
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