Patients who need interpreters are being given priority by hospital trusts—because bosses reckon it's cheaper than having costly translators hanging about.
It means that at busy times non-English speakers are instantly shunted to the front of the queue.
But the policy has infuriated patients' groups, who claim it shows ordinary Britons are being discriminated against.At one outpatient clinic—the London Chest Hospital, at Bethnal Green in the East End— signs clearly warn visitors: "Patients needing trust interpreters will be given priority."
Locals are outraged at the move by London and Barts NHS Trust, which runs the Chest Hospital.
One said: "It should be a case that those in most need go first—not because of what language they may or may not speak.
"Having to wait longer just adds to people's stress and anxiety, when they are already under a lot of pressure."
Another added: "I don't understand why needing someone to translate for you should make you any more important. It's a very unfair system." But Michael Summers, vice-chairman of the trust's Patients' Association, said: "There are always long queues for outpatient services, sometimes as much as four hours, and hospitals don't want to have to keep paying a translator for all that time.
"At the same time, I can appreciate why patients become irritated by this."
Trust spokeswoman Marie Mangan said: "Like most NHS Trusts, when a clinic is over-running every effort is made to ensure that those patients who are using trust interpreters are seen at their allotted appointment time."
**Another great triumph for New Labours multicultural experiment, yes Blair & Brown's Cool Britannia now has made it clear to us all who is important to the powers that be.
Work in this nation all your life, sorry migrants come first.
Spent the time to learn English and be a part of our society, sorry migrants who cant be bothered to learn come first.
Pay taxes and have all the official papers, sorry migrants/health tourists come first.
Not so much a case of barbarians being at the gates, but more one of the barbarians being let in, given free housing, benefits and now priority when it comes to healthcare.
As far as our government is concerned savages from the barbarian hinterlands are of more importance than their own people, maybe they know that if they keep offering bribes they will all vote Labour.
Cool Britannia
Health Tourists
New Labour
Read it all here at newsoftheworld.
2 people have spoken:
Shhhhh! Don't let American hospitals and medical clinics hear this. We'll start doing that here also. Stupidity! Maybe we should start pretending we don't speak English, then we can go to the head of the line.
Damn; when do you think enough people are going to say "ENOUGH!" and put an end to the bullshit that you are having to put up with over there?
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