MND-B Apache crews destroy enemy transport truck
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
CAMP TAJI, Iraq — Multi-National Division-Baghdad attack helicopter crews destroyed an insurgent vehicle in south Baghdad at approximately 2 p.m.
Aug. 29.
The Apache crews from the 4th “Guns” Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, responded to a call from 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, to engage the vehicle.
The Apache crews observed several men around the vehicle flee when the aircrews arrived. The aircrews were cleared to fire by the ground unit and engaged the vehicle, destroying it.
Coalition targets al-Qaeda leadership; 7 suspected terrorists detained
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces captured two key suspects and five alleged associates during operations Thursday targeting senior leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq along the Tigris River.
Coalition Forces detained a suspected senior terrorist facilitator and one other individual during two coordinated raids near Samarra. The alleged facilitator also accompanied Coalition Forces to a prayer room next door to search for additional targeted terrorists. The ground forces took great care while searching the area and departed without disturbing the prayer room.
In the second raid, intelligence reports indicated a senior leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq was hiding in a nearby mosque, which was still under construction. Coalition Forces entered the mosque without using force and took great care in securing the building. One individual in an adjacent building was detained for his suspected association with the targeted al-Qaeda in Iraq leader.
Farther north, Coalition Forces captured an individual believed to be a former terrorist emir from the Baghdad area allegedly working with senior leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq to strengthen terrorist control in Bayji. The ground forces detained four additional suspects for their alleged involvement in Bayji’s al-Qaeda in Iraq network.
“We respect religious holy sites and use precision operations to target terrorists who disregard the sanctity of those sites,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “Al-Qaeda in Iraq is not able to hide from us – we will find its terrorists wherever they are.”Two terrorists killed, 29 suspects detained; Coalition disrupts al-Qaeda ops
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces killed two terrorists, including a terrorist leader, and captured two other suspected terrorist leaders during raids Thursday targeting the al-Qaeda in Iraq operations network.
During an operation south of Tarmiyah, Coalition Forces killed the military emir of Tarmiyah, who was responsible for directing attacks against Coalition Forces and Iraqi civilians in the area. When the ground forces moved toward the target building, they observed an armed man in a neighboring house maneuvering into position to engage the assault force. Responding in defense against the hostile threat, Coalition Forces engaged the man, killing him. Another armed man moved to the roof of the target building, where Coalition Forces responded to the hostile threat by engaging and killing him. The terrorist on the roof was determined to be the terrorist emir targeted in the operation. The ground forces detained 11 individuals with suspected ties to the al-Qaeda in Iraq network.
Operations in Baqubah and Mosul targeted al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders to disrupt their attack networks. Coalition Forces captured an individual in Baqubah who is believed to conduct operations to incite sectarian violence, provide weapons to al-Qaeda in Iraq and attack Coalition Forces. The ground forces detained nine additional suspects for their ties to the terrorist network. In Mosul, Coalition Forces captured an alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq leader who recently fled to the northern city and is believed to provide financial support to al-Qaeda in Iraq, facilitate the movement of foreign terrorists and control terrorist operations in an area south of the Baghdad airport. Coalition Forces detained seven of his suspected associates as well.
“We will continue to dismantle the terrorist networks that threaten the security of Iraq,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “The people of Iraq continue to demonstrate their desire to build a secure future, without the influence of al-Qaeda in Iraq.”Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 16 al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Members of the Iraqi Security Forces detained five suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists in an intelligence-driven operation Aug. 29 in Muelha.
Reports indicate the suspected terrorist belong to a cell of more than 100 men suspected of attacking Coalition and Iraqi Forces in the village south of Baghdad.
Additional intelligence shows the cell members conduct these indirect and direct fire attacks with improvised explosive device, mortar and vehicle-borne explosive attacks.
One of the terrorists is allegedly involved in two specific IED attacks that seriously wounded multiple U.S. Army Soldiers, to include kidnapping and murdering local civilians in Muelha.
In a second operation, Iraqi Army Forces conducted an intelligence driven helicopter assault raid detaining 11 suspected insurgents west of Taji.
Scouts from the 1/7th Iraqi Army Brigade raided a series of targets and detained the primary suspect believed to be an al Qaeda in Iraq member and allegedly involved in supporting a sniper cell operating within the Karmah area.
After detaining six additional suspects, it was discovered that individuals fled from one of the targeted locations into a nearby mosque. U.S. Special Operations Forces provided external security while Iraqi Forces conducted an internal search of the mosque and detained four more suspected insurgents.
During the operation five AK-47 assault rifles, numerous identification cards and a rifle scope were seized. In addition, five rocket propelled grenades, two high explosive hand grenades, fuses and several containers of homemade explosives were destroyed on sight by a controlled detonation.
U.S. Special Operations Forces were advisers on both operations; no forces were harmed during either mission.
Concerned citizen leads Coalition Forces to large cache of nitric acid
Multi-National Division – Center PAO
NIAM MASHAWN, Iraq — Coalition Forces, acting on a tip from a local concerned citizen, discovered a large cache of nitric acid buried in drums near the town of Niam Mashawn, Aug. 28.
Soldiers of 1st Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), out of Fort Drum, N.Y., received a tip that there was a large quantity of nitric acid near a checkpoint on Route Tampa, a major Iraqi highway. The cache site is located about 15 kilometers west of Baghdad International Airport.
The man who reported the cache helped the Soldiers dig up 411 plastic jugs.
Nitric acid is often used in making fertilizer and homemade explosives, commonly found in improvised explosive devices.
The containers of acid were collected and removed to a secure location.
Coalition Outpost Washash established
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
BAGHDAD — Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers established a new Coalition outpost in the western neighborhood of Washash Aug. 29.
The new COP marks the first outpost in the Washash and Iskan neighborhoods of western Baghdad. Coalition Forces will use the facility to further increase security, boost the local economy and train their Iraqi Police and Iraqi Army counterparts in the region.
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment established the new COP and plans to integrate Iraqi Security Forces at the site, though no official timetable has been set.
Marines kill 12 AQI near Karmah
Multi-National Force-West
CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq – Marines from Regimental Combat Team 6 observed and
engaged an armed group of al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists killing 12 and destroying two
vehicles near the town of Karmah Aug. 29.
A group of three men was seen loading objects into a bongo truck from a nearby
growth of weeds 11 kilometers northeast of Fallujah, in an area known to be a historical
weapons cache site. A second group of four men arrived in another bongo truck,
followed by a third group of six men on foot through the reeds.
A team of Marines was dispatched to better observe the scene and a third cargo
truck carrying three men waving weapons and wearing ski masks approached the group
a few moments later.
The Marines called for air support and a section of AV-8B Harrier jets dropped
two precision-guided bombs, destroying the initial two cargo trucks. Marines called for
artillery fire on the dismounted enemy personnel immediately following the air attack.
Twelve members of al Qaeda were found dead upon investigation of the scene...
Numerous weapons and roadside bomb making materials were also found.
All unexploded ordnance was removed from the scene and transported to a
Coalition base for investigation and disposal.
5 terrorists killed, 13 suspects detained in Tigris River Valley
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces killed five terrorists and detained 13 suspected terrorists during raids Friday targeting leaders of the al-Qaeda operational network in the Tigris River Valley.
Coalition Forces targeted an al-Qaeda in Iraq leader southwest of Balad who orders, finances and carries out attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces in Salah ad Din province. Intelligence reports indicate he recently assumed a position coordinating terrorist logistics between Baghdad and Mosul, and may be trying to obtain chemical weapons for use in attacks against Coalition Forces.
After ground forces secured the target building, they received small arms fire from a nearby building. Coalition Forces responded in self-defense and returned fire, killing five armed terrorists. Four additional suspected terrorists were detained.
Coalition Forces targeted al-Qaeda in Iraq’s network operations during raids in Bayji and Baghdad. In the northern city, Coalition Forces captured the alleged administrative emir of Haditha, who was believed to be residing in Bayji because of Iraqi and Coalition Forces’ pressure on al-Qaeda in Iraq members in Haditha. Two other suspected terrorists were detained in the raid.
In southern Baghdad, Coalition Forces captured a suspected key leader in the city’s car-bombing network. Intelligence reports indicate the individual had moved into the leadership position after his predecessor was detained in an operation June 10 and the previous leader was detained May 29. Several other leaders in the network have been killed or captured in the past two months, including Ali Latif Ibrahim Hamad al Falahi, who coordinated car bombing operations in Baghdad and was killed Aug. 20. Coalition Forces also detained five other suspected terrorists during the raid.
During operations to locate al-Qaeda in Iraq safe houses north of Tarmiyah, Coalition Forces found a building containing homemade explosives and rigged with command detonation wires. An explosives team with the ground forces safely destroyed the materials on site.
“Al-Qaeda in Iraq is feeling the pressure from our operations to disrupt their nefarious activities,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “We will continue to hunt the terrorists who seek to thwart Iraq’s progress.”
Iraqi Special Operations Forces, Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 11 militant extremists in Karbala
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
KARBALA, Iraq – Iraqi Special Operations Forces and Iraqi Security Forces, advised
by U.S. Special Forces, detained 11 militant extremists during two separate intelligencedriven
operations Aug. 29 and Aug. 30 in Karbala.
Intelligence indicates that one of the detained Shi’a extremists is linked to the
Aug. 22 assassination of the mayor of Husaniyah.
The forces received enemy small arms fire, during both operations. The forces
returned proportional fire, killing one enemy fighter and wounding another. The
wounded individual was evacuated to a medical facility for treatment.
No Iraqi or U.S. members were injured during the operations.
Troops capture 24 suspected insurgents
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq — Multi-National Division-
Baghdad Soldiers captured 24 suspected insurgents during a clearing operation
Aug. 31 in New Baghdad District of eastern Baghdad to disrupt militia activity.
The operation, carried out by Soldiers of the Company D, 1st Battalion,
8th Cavalry Regiment, attached to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 2nd
Infantry Division, was part of ongoing efforts to clear insurgent strongholds in the
The 24 suspects are being held for further questioning.
Coalition targets al-Qaeda in Baghdad and northern belts: 4 killed, 10 detained
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed four terrorists and detained 10 suspected terrorists during operations Friday and Saturday targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq in Baghdad and the northern belts around the city.
Coalition forces killed two terrorists, including a member of a group that enforces rules of an illegal terrorist court system in Tarmiyah, during a raid Saturday. When the assault force approached the target buildings, they called for the occupants to come out. Coalition forces observed two men in a nearby grove of trees reach for weapons and responded in self-defense, engaging and killing the two armed men. Five suspected terrorists believed to be associated with the illegal court system were detained.
In Baghdad Saturday, Coalition forces captured the alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq security emir of the Rusafa neighborhood and detained four additional suspected terrorists. The alleged security emir is believed to be involved in kidnapping and car-bombing operations.
Coalition forces conducted a precision raid west of Tarmiyah Friday, targeting associates of the al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of the northern belts around Baghdad. Coalition forces followed a vehicle containing two suspected terrorists and attempted to get the driver to stop. The driver refused to comply with Coalition forces and the assault force escalated their level of force, firing on the vehicle to stop it. Both the driver and the passenger were killed in the operation.
“Al-Qaeda in Iraq’s leaders try to hide, but we remain on the offensive to root them out,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. "Like the individuals captured and killed during these operations, we will continue to capture or kill them."
Coalition forces detain eight suspected Special Groups terrorists in two separate operations
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces conducted two separate raids to capture or kill suspected Special Groups operatives in Baghdad before dawn on Saturday.
Coalition forces detained eight suspected Special Groups terrorists during the raids.
Coalition forces conducted two deliberate ground assaults to raid what were believed to be the residences of two high-level Special Groups leaders. The targeted individuals are believed to be leaders of Special Groups responsible for logistical facilitation of Iranian weapons and lethal aid flowing into Iraq. Both targeted individuals are implicated in anti-Coalition forces attacks and the recruitment of extremists to conduct criminal activity. A search of several buildings during the raids produced three AK-47s, a large sum of Iraqi currency, suspicious documents and photographs.
“Continuing a series of synchronized operations against the Special Groups that utilize Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps – Quds Force support to import weapons, explosives and training, Coalition forces conducted a set of sequential raids last night in Baghdad targeting Special Groups operatives,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “Coalition forces continue to target Special Groups terrorists and weapons facilitators who are responsible for directing attacks against innocent Iraqi people, Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition troops.”
Coalition forces detain seven suspected weapons facilitators
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces captured seven suspected weapons facilitators during a pre-dawn raid Sunday in Qasarin.
Coalition forces conducted the raid to capture seven suspected weapons distributors that may be connected to various Special Groups operating in and around Baghdad. Those detained are suspected of being responsible for distributing deadly explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) and other weapons flowing from Iran into Iraq. Coalition forces believe information provided by these detainees may lead to more detentions of persons affiliated with weapons smuggling networks.
Several structures searched during the raid revealed numerous weapons and associated ammunition, rocket propelled grenade components, and electronic devices suspected to be EFP components. Various documents and photographs were also found and confiscated for further analysis.
“Coalition troops continue to target terrorists who bring EFPs and other lethal aid into Iraq,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “Coalition forces will continue their focused operations to tear down weapons distribution networks operating in Iraq.”
14 terrorists killed, 6 suspects detained near Muqdadiyah
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed 14 terrorists and detained six suspected terrorists during an operation north of Muqdadiyah Aug. 29-31 targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq operatives and bed-down locations.
While in the target area, Coalition forces heard a blast from a nearby road. The ground forces investigated and found that an improvised explosive device had detonated; ground troops also found a trigger wire leading into a nearby house. Previous intelligence indicated the house was a safe house for foreign terrorists. Inside, Coalition forces detained two suspected terrorists.
Another Coalition forces patrol discovered a terrorist safe house with locks on the outside. Inside were two men who had been bound and beaten. At the house, Coalition forces also found bomb-making materials, extremist propaganda and attack planning materials. Coalition forces called in an air strike to destroy the explosives and the terrorist jail.
The ground forces continued their patrol and received heavy small arms fire from a nearby palm grove. Responding to defend their force from the enemy, Coalition forces returned fire and called for close air support to engage the armed men. After suppressing the enemy fire, the ground forces assessed eight terrorists were killed in the engagement. The ground forces found a nearby bed-down location with extremist propaganda, maps marking planted bombs, military-style assault vests, radios, weapons, mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades, first aid materials and an ambulance.
As Coalition forces moved forward on their target, an armed man charged toward the assault force, which responded by engaging and killing the armed terrorist. The ground forces encountered more small arms fire and returned fire in self-defense. Coalition forces assessed five terrorists were killed in the engagement. Four suspected terrorists were detained in the area.
Intelligence reports and Iraqis living nearby indicated a mosque in the area was controlled by al-Qaeda in Iraq. Local residents also said al-Qaeda brought in a new imam each week and held terrorist meetings after mosque ceremonies. Coalition forces investigated the area and discovered a command trigger wire leading from the mosque to a hole in the road created by an IED detonation. A village elder led a ground element into the mosque, where they took great care in securing the building before departing. Coalition forces found extremist materials in the courtyard.
“Al-Qaeda continues to show its values are completely contrary to those of the Iraqi people,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “Terrorists show no respect for religious sites, or even for human life.”
Iraqi Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 36, destroy three large weapons caches
TAJI, Iraq – Two companies from the 5th Iraqi Army detained 36 suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists and destroyed two weapons caches during an operation Aug. 31 near Muqdadiyah.
The suspected terrorists are linked to an Aug. 21 attack on 5th Iraqi Army Soldiers resulting in nine killed. Al-Qaeda in Iraq uses the villages in the Hamrin Ridge area as safe havens, conducting improvised explosive device attacks and weapons smuggling in the area.
Due to the large amount of weapons and explosives found inside two houses and in three nearby vehicles, forces conducted controlled detonations to destroy this cache. Forces found a second cache containing 255, 120mm artillery rounds and called in close air support, destroying the cache with proportionate fire from an F-16 Fighting Falcon.
In addition, four vehicles, one motorcycle, explosives, four rockets, three antitank mines, artillery rounds, four AK-47 assault rifles, radios and various propaganda documents were seized.
In a separate mission, Iraqi Security Forces conducted an operation near Tal Afar that resulted in the destruction of a large cache of explosives and supplies allegedly belonging to al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists. The cache was destroyed in a controlled detonation. Items that were destroyed included mortar rounds, detonation cord, timed fuses, blasting caps, flares, radios, smoke grenades, TNT, and electrical wire.
U.S. Special Forces were advisers during both operations. No civilians, Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during the destruction of these weapons caches.
Citizens turn in weapons cache to Wolverines
AL-DHOUR, Iraq — Coalition troops responded to a local citizen’s request for assistance Aug. 30 in the village of al-Dhour, southwest of Baghdad, removing a stash of weapons he had found.
Soldiers of 1st Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), out of Fort Drum, N.Y., went to the front yard of a man who volunteers with a neighborhood watch-type program in
The man had gathered three hand grenades, a 105mm artillery round, 15 57mm anti-aircraft rounds, an AK-47 assault rifle, two machine-gun barrels, five rolls of wire, 50 pounds of homemade explosive, a suicide vest made with plastic explosive, loose plastic explosive, rocket-propelled grenade accelerators, a highpowered rifle scope, batteries, many cellular telephones and long-range cell phones, communications equipment and multiple false vehicle registrations and license plates. There were also 40 shells for a 12-gauge shotgun and assorted small-arms ammunition, including 9mm and 7.62mm rounds.
The cache was destroyed with a controlled detonation by an explosive ordnance disposal team.
Iraqi Forces, U.S. Special Forces kill one insurgent, detain 17 others during Jazirah Desert patrol
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
FALLUJAH, Iraq – Iraqi Security Forces, with U.S. Special Operations Forces as
advisers, killed an al Qaeda in Iraq insurgent and detained 17 suspected insurgents
during a four-day patrol in support of Operation Phantom Strike Aug. 29 to Sept. 1.
raids in the vicinity of Al Rieq, Al Wara and Sinjar, located in the Al Jazirah Desert north
of the Euphrates River near Rawah. Six suspects were detained in Al Rieq and 11
suspects were taken into custody in Al Wara. Numerous documents and two AK-47
assault rifles were also seized during the operation.
During the assault on a target in Al Wara, U.S. Special Operations Forces
pursued a vehicle that fled the scene. When the forces approached one of the vehicles
and signaled the driver to stop, he responded with hostile force, firing AK-47 rounds at
them. The forces continued to pursue the enemy and engaged the hostile vehicle with
fire from a 50-caliber weapon which disabled the vehicle and killed the insurgent.
No Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during this operation.
Iraqi Army stops car bomber from attacking bridge north
of Baghdad
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
CAMP TAJI, Iraq – One Iraqi Army soldier was killed and two other Iraqi Army
troops and two civilians were wounded by an exploding vehicle-borne improvised
explosive device near a checkpoint in Taji, Iraq Sept. 2.
The suicide bomber detonated the VBIED at the checkpoint, after two
unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the bridge guarded by the troops.
The checkpoint was manned both by Iraqi Army troops from the 2nd
Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army Division (Mechanized) in conjunction with members of
the new Critical Infrastructure Security (CIS) unit. The CIS is made up of local
volunteers that were contracted by Coalition Forces and have been vetted by the
local Sheiks in the area.
The vehicle was carrying chicken waste to hide the munitions in the truck.
On the first approach to the checkpoint, the driver was stopped by the Iraqi
soldiers who did not allow his entry because he was not following proper
In his effort to breach security of the checkpoint that allows access to a key
bridge, the driver claimed to be the cousin of a local area sheik—a reconciliation
leader that the Iraqi Army coordinates with for vetting legitimate associates – but
the Iraqi Army troops made the man take a U-turn and leave the area.
On a subsequent attempt, the Iraqi troops once again forced the man to turn
his vehicle around and leave the area.
On the third and final attempt, the truck attempted to pull over and
intermingle with an Iraqi Army convoy. Iraqi Army troops suspected a car bomb
and engaged the vehicle with small arms fire by the checkpoint after noticing the
driver was acting very erratically. The truck detonated.
Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 82nd Field
Artillery Regiment and the 1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment both of the 1st
Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, rushed to the scene and assisted
with securing the site and treating the wounded.
According to Lt. Col. Peter Andrysiak, deputy commanding officer, 1st BCT,
1st Cav. Div., the attack is the work of Al Qaeda operatives.
“This attack is just another example of Al Qaeda’s total disregard for innocent
lives whether it’s women and children or Iraqi Security Forces who have chosen
to selflessly defend their nation.” said Andrysiak.
“Due to the local populace’s recent successes in regard to reconciliation efforts that are uniting the people
here against insurgents and extremists, the attack proves that Al Qaeda is
becoming desperate. They have lost support and are seeking any avenue they
can to disrupt the efforts here that are fostering peace and will eventually mean
the end for organizations like Al Qaeda.”
Andrysiak added that the incident shows the increasing effectiveness of
the Iraqi Army and the benefits of working with local volunteers.
“Together they devised a system of checks and balances to prevent AQI
access to key areas and it worked,” he said. “These brave Iraqis saved critical
infrastructure and lives.”
Operation Gecko: Concerned citizens lead Coalition Forces to cache, destroy militia safehouse
Multi-National Division – Center PAO
ISKANDARIYAH, Iraq – Tips from concerned citizens of Jurf as Sakhr led Iraqi Coalition Forces to identify and destroy an enemy safehouse and discover a weapons cache Aug. 28 as part of Operation Gecko.
Paratroopers from 1st Battalion, 501st Airborne, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, following intelligence from concerned citizens, discovered a weapons cache containing 150 shotgun shells and 15 mortar fuses.
Their tips also led to the destruction of an enemy safehouse by attack helicopters that fired three hellfire missiles and 16 2.75-inch rockets.
In previous engagements during Operation Gecko, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters and Paratroopers destroyed another enemy fighting position and safehouse, killing five al-Qaeda militants.
Paratroopers and concerned citizens were also attacked by small-arms fire while moving though Jurf as Sakhr. Paratroopers returned fire, causing the enemy to flee.
Iraqi Army, U.S. Special Forces dismantle al Qaeda in Iraq cell, detain 46
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
TAJI, Iraq – Members from the 3rd Iraqi Army, with U.S. Special Forces as advisers, dismantled an al Qaeda in Iraq cell, detaining six suspected terrorists during an early morning raid Sept. 3 in Rabi’ah.
The al Qaeda in Iraq cell is believed to be responsible for vicious attacks against innocent civilians, and Iraqi and Coalition Forces. The cell is also suspected of funding terrorist operations in the local area.
One of the targeted terrorists is believed to be linked to a brutal attack in Mosul that resulted in the death of seven Iraqi Police, while another detainee is suspected of having financial ties with Syrian Intelligence to support the insurgency. In addition, one of the six suspects is an alleged al Qaeda in Iraq Amir who assists in financing insurgent operations.
After systematically clearing five buildings, forces detained 40 other suspicious individuals with connections to the al Qaeda in Iraq network. Several ID cards, various documents, photographs, books, improvised explosive device making material, and one box of PKC, heavy machine-gun ammunition were seized.
No Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during this operation.
Coalition Forces destroy explosives, kill two terrorists, detain 10 suspects
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed two terrorists, detained 10 suspected terrorists and found several caches of explosives during operations Tuesday targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq in the central part of the country.
Coalition forces captured four suspected terrorists in the Rusafa neighborhood of Baghdad, including two key suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq members. One is believed to facilitate the distribution of personnel and weapons for al-Qaeda in Iraq. Another suspect, allegedly nicknamed “the monster,” is associated with the al-Qaeda in Iraq military emir of Rusafa and the former al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of the southern belts, killed during an operation May 23 (SEE MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE - IRAQ PRESS RELEASE A070523b, "Six terrorist killed, 26 detained in Coalition Force raids,” DATED May 23, 2007).
When the ground forces moved toward the target buildings, they received small arms fire from nearby. Responding in self-defense, Coalition forces returned fire and killed two terrorists. Inside the building, the ground forces found explosives and suicide vests, which they safely destroyed on site.
Coalition forces found two caches of weapons and explosives during coordinated raids northwest of Tarmiyah, where they captured two more key suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists. Intelligence reports indicate one suspect is a longtime al-Qaeda in Iraq figure, who helped bring the terrorist group into Tarmiyah, and is responsible for advising senior terrorist leaders and conducting executions. Another detainee is linked to an operation Sept. 2 where Coalition forces destroyed 12 tons of explosives. Coalition forces called in an air strike to destroy the caches found during this operation, which contained rocket-propelled grenades, explosive materials, fully assembled improvised explosive devices and a bomb-making facility. Two additional suspected terrorists were detained.
Returning to an area north of Muqdadiyah, where they conducted an operation Aug. 29-31(SEE MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE - IRAQ PRESS RELEASE A070902b, "14 terrorists killed, 6 suspects detained near Muqdadiyah,” DATED Sept. 2, 2007), Coalition forces discovered an al-Qaeda in Iraq compound, terrorist clinic and roadside bombs. As the assault force arrived in the area, surveillance elements detected a man warning other enemy forces of Coalition forces’ arrival, indicating they were the same Coalition forces who had been there previously. As the enemy elements in a palm grove maneuvered into tactical positions, Coalition forces called for close air support to defend against the enemy force. The aircraft fired on the palm grove, but the ground forces were not able to assess if any enemy fighters were killed or wounded. Coalition forces detained one suspected terrorist during the operation.
“We’re steadily taking chipping away at the al-Qaeda in Iraq network,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “We are on the offensive and will not back down until the Iraqi people can develop the future they have chosen, free of terrorist attacks.”Iraqi Army, U.S. Special Forces detain extremist death-squad member
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Members of the 3/9th Iraqi Army Division, with U.S. Special Forces as advisers, detained an alleged extremist death squad member Sept. 3 in the Baghdad area.
The suspect is part of a notorious death squad in the Bub al Sha’am and Al Shaab areas in New Baghdad. The alleged is additionally responsible for kidnapping and torturing innocent civilians, as well as conducting extra judicial killings.
He is also part of a criminal network that specializes in the use of small arms fire attacks with machine guns and emplaces improvised explosive devices to maim, kill or disrupt Iraqi and Coalition Forces operating in the area.
During the mission, body armor, detonator switches, switch boards and various other suspicious objects used to harm or kill Iraqi and Coalition members were seized.
No Iraqi or U.S. forces were harmed during the intelligence-driven operations.
16 suspected car-bomb cell members captured during Operation Nijmegen III
Multi-National Division – Center PAO
KALSU, Iraq – A vehicle-borne improvised explosive device cell, with suspected links to al-Qaeda, believed to be responsible for attacks against citizens and security forces of North Babil, was the target of an early morning air assault and raid north of Diyarah Aug. 23.
Paratroopers from Company C, 3rd Battalion, 509th Airborne, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, captured 16 Sunni militants, believed to be members of al-Qaeda in Iraq during Operation Nijmegen III. “Nijmegen was a series of operations targeting a known suicide car bombing cell,” said 1st Sgt Karl Zaglauer, a native of Missoula, Mont. “This cell is most famous in our area for the checkpoint 20 bombing that destroyed a bridge.”
Operation Nijmegen III had a special significance to the Paratroopers of Company C.
“Two days ago, my platoon was hit with a VBIED,” said Sgt. 1st Class David Chaney, from Columbus, Ga. “That incident has possible links to the guys we just captured.”
In addition to the extremists, the Paratroopers also captured propaganda and books on electronics and chemistry.
The cell members are being held for further questioning.
The propaganda and other materials were confiscated for use in the investigation.
“There are still terrorists here,” Chaney said. “But, we are making it very hard for them to continue staging attacks.”
Al-Qaeda leader killed, 18 suspected terrorists detained
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed an al-Qaeda in Iraq leader and detained 18 suspected terrorists during operations Wednesday to disrupt the al-Qaeda in Iraq network and its bombing operations in central and northern Iraq.
Coalition forces killed the al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of the Arab Jabour area, who managed all terrorist attacks in the area south of Baghdad. When Coalition forces approached the target building, they received small arms fire. Returning fire in self-defense, they killed one terrorist who was later determined to be the terrorist emir. The ground forces detained eight suspected terrorists and discovered a cache of machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. Coalition forces called in an air strike that safely destroyed the cache.
In northern Iraq, Coalition forces conducted three operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders and their associates. The ground forces detained 10 suspected terrorists during the operations in Mosul and Bayji. One suspect is believed to be an al-Qaeda in Iraq leader in his neighborhood, and another allegedly has ties to senior al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders in northern Iraq.
“Our operations are steadily and systematically chipping away at the al-Qaeda in Iraq network in Baghdad and around the country,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “We want to ensure the bombing network in the capital is unable to recover from the damage we’ve inflicted upon it.”2nd IA Soldiers capture confessed ‘key AQI financier’ in Nineveh
Multi-National Division – North PAO
MOSUL, Iraq – Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division captured a known key al-Qaeda in Iraq financier in Nineveh province, and his associate, Sept. 3, during an operation in Mosul.
Both men were positively identified as al-Qaeda in Iraq members by the 2-2-2 IA and one admitted to the arresting Soldiers that he is a key AQI financier and negotiates with families for the release of victims kidnapped by AQI for extortion.
Found in the suspects’ vehicle were funds totaling over 250 million Iraqi Dinar (in excess of $200,000 USD), as well as multiple IDs and correspondence.
“The capture of these men by the Iraqi Army, and loss of the financing they provided, will be felt by all those who profit from kidnapping and crimes against the people of Nineveh province,” said Lt. Col. Jeff Stewart, executive officer, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. “Our brothers in the Iraqi Security Forces have struck a blow directly against the terrorists and criminals who threaten Iraqi citizens and the rule of law.”
Operation Lightning Hammer II expands pursuit of al-Qaeda
Multi-National Division – North PAO
TIKRIT, Iraq – Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces continued their relentless pursuit of al-Qaeda in northern Iraq by launching Operation Lightning Hammer II, Wednesday evening.
The operation, involving approximately 14,000 ISF, partnered with more than 12,000 CF, is spearheaded by Soldiers from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, partnered with members of the 2nd and 3rd Iraqi Army Divisions, and Iraqi Police forces stationed throughout Ninewa province.
In addition to the thousands of Soldiers and their ISF counterparts participating in Lightning Hammer II, attack helicopters, close-air support, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Stryker Vehicles and tanks compliment the combined effort. This operation follows Lightning Hammer I in the series of offensives to deny al-Qaeda safe haven in the provinces of Salah ad Din, Ninewa, Diyala and Kirkuk. Operation Lightning Hammer I, from Aug. 13 to Sept. 1, succeeded in driving enemy elements out of the Diyala River Valley, northeast of Baqouba.
“Al-Qaeda cells were driven from Baqouba in Diyala due to Operation Arrowhead Ripper in June and July and then pursued in the Diyala River Valley during Operation Lighting Hammer in August,” said Maj. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, commander of Task Force Lightning and Multinational Division-North. “Our main goal with Lightning Hammer II is to continue to pursue and apply constant pressure to the terrorist cells operating in MND-N, and destroy them where they attempt to hide.”
“Our combined forces’ commitment to hunt al Qaeda and its operatives remains as strong as ever,” said Mixon. “We will not rest until al Qaeda in Iraq is driven from northern Iraq, and Iraqi citizens have a safe and secure homeland.”
Six terrorists killed, 25 suspects detained, al-Qaeda network disrupted
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed six terrorists and detained 25 suspected terrorists during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq’s operational networks in the Tigris River Valley and Kirkuk Thursday.
Coalition forces conducted two raids in and around Tarmiyah targeting senior members of al-Qaeda in Iraq’s network in the northern belts around Baghdad. During one raid, three armed men drew their weapons when the ground forces approached them. Responding in self-defense, Coalition forces engaged the three armed men, killing them. As the ground forces continued to secure the area, they observed two men, one who was carrying a rifle, maneuvering into position against them. Coalition forces responded to the hostile threat, engaging and killing both.
During the second raid, a man drew his pistol on Coalition forces, who responded by engaging and killing the armed terrorist. Between the two raids, the ground forces detained seven suspected terrorists.
Farther north, Coalition forces used intelligence gained during operations Aug. 30 to capture a suspected close associate of al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders. The ground forces detained six additional suspected terrorists during the operations in Samarra and Tikrit.
Coalition forces captured a suspected member of an al-Qaeda in Iraq cell near Baqubah believed to be responsible for bombing and ambush attacks on Coalition forces and Iraqi civilians. Intelligence reports indicate the cell member helped emplace snipers and illegal checkpoints used to kidnap civilians and hold them for ransom. Nine more individuals were detained for their alleged ties to the terrorist cell.
Iraqi and Coalition forces in Kirkuk detained one suspected terrorist during an operation targeting a car-bombing cell there.
“We want to cripple the al-Qaeda in Iraq network, so it is unable to plan and execute vicious attacks against the Iraqi people,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman. “Each operation gives us better information with which to target and attack them.”
Iraqi Special Operations Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 2 al Qaeda in Iraq cell leaders, one terrorist
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Iraqi Special Operations Forces, with U.S. Special Forces acting as advisers, detained two al Qaeda in Iraq cell leaders during an operation Sept. 6 in Adahmiyah, Iraq.
The Sunni extremists are responsible for conducting improvised explosive device and mortar attacks against civilians and Coalition Forces in the area.
One of the detained cell leaders is allegedly an assistant al Qaeda in Iraq financier. The second suspect directs and carries out IED attacks against Coalition Forces.
Intelligence indicates that on July 11, the cell detonated an IED on a U.S. convoy securing the Adhahmiyah area, and that on Aug. 2 the cell members again detonated an IED on another U.S. convoy in the Ras Al Hush area.
A third suspicious individual was also detained for further questioning during the operation.
During an earlier operation Sept. 5, Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained one suspected al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist during a helicopter raid in Fallujah.
The insurgent is linked to an al Qaeda in Iraq cell responsible for mortar and improvised explosive device attacks against Coalition Forces and local citizens.
U.S. Special Forces served as advisers during both operations.
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain three extremists in night raids
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BALAD, Iraq - Iraqi Security Forces detained an al Qaeda in Iraq extremist during an intelligence-driven raid on Sept. 6 in the Al Anbar province near Al Qaim.
The detained suspect is responsible for facilitating re-supply of insurgents operating in the southern Rutbah deserts just south of Al Qaim. His facilitation network assists other militants in the area in obtaining weapons, water and food.
In a separate operation, Iraqi Security Forces detained a key leader and a supporter of the Islamic Army in Iraq criminal network during an early morning raid Sept. 7 in Saiwaia near Samarra. The suspected leader is directly related to kidnappings and murders of Samarra citizens.
The two detained were caught trying to flee the assaulting force which also resulted in two seized AK-47 assault rifles and numerous Islamic Army Court documents.
U.S. Special Forces were advisers during all operations. No Iraqi or U.S. forces were injured during these raids.
Six terrorists killed during raids in Tarmiyah
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed six terrorists and detained 21 suspects Saturday and Sunday during operations in the Tarmiyah area and Tigris River Valley to disrupt al-Qaeda in Iraq’s senior leadership.
Several synchronized raids in Tarmiyah targeted the al-Qaeda in Iraq network operating in the northern belt around Baghdad, including its leaders. The network is responsible for car bombings, kidnappings, publishing extremist propaganda and operating an illegal court system in the area.
As Coalition forces cleared a building, three men inside reached for weapons in the room. Responding to defend against the threat, Coalition forces engaged the three armed men, killing them.
A related assault force entered a target building and encountered an armed man who attempted to draw his weapon. Responding in self-defense, Coalition forces engaged the armed man, killing him.
In another coordinated raid, one female refused to comply with the interpreter’s instructions. After the ground forces made several attempts to get the woman to comply, she lunged to reach behind some furniture. Coalition forces, perceiving a hostile threat to the force, engaged the woman, killing her.
Coalition forces securing a target building nearby found an armed man hiding in a closet. When he was discovered, the armed man fired on the assault force, which returned fire in self-defense and killed the terrorist.
On the scene, the ground forces found a cache of weapons, including 25 mortar rounds, 30 high-explosive rounds, 5,000 anti-aircraft rounds and other ammunition. They also discovered four improvised explosive devices planted in the immediate area. A Coalition forces explosives team safely destroyed the IEDs, weapons and ammunition. Nearby, the ground forces discovered a cache of extremist propaganda and media production materials.
Over the two-day operation, Coalition forces destroyed seven buildings believed to be used for terrorist activities. The ground forces thoroughly cleared and secured each building prior to any detonation to ensure no civilians were inside. One building was destroyed by an air strike, while the other six were destroyed with ground munitions. Coalition forces detained 17 suspected terrorists during the operations in Tarmiyah.
Coalition forces extended their operations to the north while targeting advisers of al-Qaeda in Iraq’s senior leaders who had fled to an area south of Mosul. The ground forces detained two suspected terrorists during the operation there.
Coalition forces in Mosul captured a suspected member of the Kirkuk car-bombing network during a raid. In another raid east of Balad, Coalition forces used information from an operation Aug. 8 to target an al-Qaeda in Iraq operative who facilitates the movement of foreign terrorists. The ground forces detained one suspected terrorist.
“We’re continuing to conduct precision operations to destroy al-Qaeda’s networks and bring their members to justice so they cannot attack the Iraqi people,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman.Tags:Iraq
MNF Iraq
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Iraqi Army
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