Imagine my joy to find yesterday that Virgin Media have shut down my phone line as -I found out late yesterday when I tried to use the phone- and I quickly found out yesterday that if you have a problem with a phone line you can contact no one.
Best laugh was that the cable channels also died about half eleven/twelve pm that day. So no phone and no cable.
I found this out the hard way, calling various numbers from 6PM till about 10PM when I gave up. Lots of automated numbers, lots of dead lines, answerphones and a chap - based in India I think - who dealt with broadband on an 09 premium rate number who advised that I would have to wait till the morning and that there was no number to be called, no one that could help in any way until then.
He called back just to advise that I needed to speak to someone else! Class.
Oh and it turns out that they think that I have moved address, I have not by the way. A point that I had to explain to each of the many members of Virgin Media staff I spoke to this morning.
This was followed by the excuse that I had requested a cancellation of service, when I asked how and when this had happened they were unable to advise as to details. Strange that! First I knew of any cancellation request was when they told me about it.
Then I get told to contact sales after speaking to customer services in order to get the services back on and so its another call - they were unable to transfer! I speak to one chap in sales who transfers me onto some other department and the line go's dead.
Add in a few other what I refer to as "shunters", these are lazy ass people who throw the call onto someone else to deal with and I spent quite some time giving the same details to person after person. I worked in telecoms for a while so I know how call centres operate.
So another call and another explination of whats happened and finally after the best part of two hours on calls this morning, poor excuses and call centre staff who can not believe that when the screen says something it might actually be wrong; I finally get through to a movers department - despite the fact that I am not moving and have no plans in doing so.
Now as someone who needs a landline, I find it appalling that they can cut off without any communication with myself and if you need to speak to someone after 6PM all the lines are closed.
Needless to say a complaint e-mail is winging its way off to the bearded Mr Branson's company and I shall see how good their complaint department is.
As of this moment the last lady that I spoke to advised this should be resolved with the next couple of hours, mind I still have no explination as to why I was cut off and not advised that this was happening, other than the computer says I was going to be moving!
Watch this space....
Well I have spent the whole day trying to resolve the problems. From 8AM and its now twenty to nine in the evening.
Now I have also been given the following dubious info: We will call you back, they did not! I was told that it was a fault and faults will resolve(nothing yet!) , that it was something customer care could resolve(nothing yet), that I needed to speak to home movers and they would resolve(and you guessed it nothing yet) and so on and so forth.
The only result I have for a wasted day spent on the phone to Virgin Media is a no doubt far higher phone bill, a sore ear from being on the phone so long, a sore throat from covering the same points again and again and the bloody awful hold music stuck in my brain!
Highlight of the day was explaining to one chap that yes his department may have left a message for me, and sure when I call my landline it does go to the answering service but the line from my end is totaly dead and that had his department listened to what I had to say then they would have figured out that the phone not working was one of the problems I was trying to get resolved!
Roll on tomorrow, a new set of excuses, and maybe I will get my landline and cable channels back. Then again is that a pig I spot flying up there!

Tags: Virgin Media
Customer Services
5 people have spoken:
"...the computer says..."
So bloody infuriating those words are..
So true, all I want is my cable and phone back working as they were before, for them to undo whatever it was they did in the first place!
Virgin Media are the worst company ever. I moved into a house last year and noticed these bills appearing addressed to someone else. Obviously I don't subscribe to Virgin Media so eventually I opened one of the bills and did some digging.
Turned out they'd been billing a woman who died 6 years ago! Obviously the payments had ceased at some point and they were threatening to "take further action". I'll be interested to see if they send the bailiffs over, if they do I think I'll have to contact a newspaper!
Virgin Media are the worst company ever. I moved into a house last year and noticed these bills appearing addressed to someone else. Obviously I don't subscribe to Virgin Media so eventually I opened one of the bills and did some digging.
Turned out they'd been billing a woman who died 6 years ago! Obviously the payments had ceased at some point and they were threatening to "take further action". I'll be interested to see if they send the bailiffs over, if they do I think I'll have to contact a newspaper!
I can't honestly advise anyone to go with them.
When the service works its okay, but god help you if it go's wrong in any way!
Day three and although the cable is back I still have no working phone.
That woman who died, she was not trying to get through to the complaints section at Virgin Media/NTL was she?
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