the BBC had an anti Amercian page about 9/11 on its CBBC site. Now its replaced with a new page and its still anti-American and still has the offending text, all be it slightly altered now.
The way America has got involved in conflicts in regions like the Middle East has made some people very angry, including a group called al-Qaeda - who are widely thought to have been behind the attacks.
**Strange I don't remember any advance warning, no formal declaration of war from the terrorist scum of Al-Qaeda? Oh and which conflicts would that be BBC? Can we have some details on that, or are we supposed to think that the murder of nearly 3000 people is ok as the Americans made "some people very angry" as you put it.
In the past, al-Qaeda leaders have declared a holy war - called a jihad - against the US. As part of this jihad, al-Qaeda members believe attacking US targets is something they should do.
When the attacks happened in 2001, there were a number of US troops in a country called Saudi Arabia, and the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, said he wanted them to leave.Read the bile and hate from the BBC - funded by UK taxpayers via the license tax that we all have to pay - here:BBC spin 9/11 and revise history

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:
Tags:Balen Report
Tags: BBC, Looney Lefties, BBC Bias
2 people have spoken:
Don't get me started on the BBC, such a disgusting nest of leftist vipers.
Yep, and an anti Jewish bunch of vipers as well.
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