Oh how I wish that we could have a hung Parliament, that's hung as in the style of the late Albert Pierpoint.

Related posts:http://newportcity.blogspot.com/2007/10/political-contempt.html
Well done to Lempik, link to the EDM by shagger of Cheeky Girls & MP
And while MP's push in and live in their own fantasy land - paid for by us taxpayers - in the real world...
"Experts warned that the high tax burden would damage the economy. Corin Taylor, the research director at The TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "A decade ago this country had among the lowest taxes in the OECD, now we have some of the highest. Faced with the growing challenge of China and India, this is completely the wrong direction to go.'' " - Telegraph
Tags: MP, Greed, Politics, Pigs, New Labour
2 people have spoken:
Is this the legacy of Tony Blair, higher taxes, more crime and a society in decline, way to go Tony, what would the world do without patriots like you.
An now Gordon Brown is carrying on the "good work"
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