The liars, spin merchants, profiteers and assorted cronies of New Labour and unelected Prime Minister Gordon "cyclops" Brown- a man foisted on the electorate of the UK by Pasha Blair - will claim that they are "getting on with the job" but they have done nothing but electioneer.
Brown hopes that between now and when he has to call an election that he can spin the fact that we are taxed to the hilt, spin the fact the finances are a mess, spin the defence cuts, spin the lack of power due to whole rafts of government being handed to the EU, spin the uncontrolled migration, spin the lack of law and order on the streets, spin the waste on the part of his government, spin the fact that freedoms have been eroded even to the point where demonstrating outside the mother of all Parliaments is now a criminal offence.
This is a government that doesn't govern for the people. This is a government for its donors, they are campaigning and spinning non-stop.

So here is a song for the dour, authoritarian cuntbubble.
Hat tip Nation of Shopkeepers
I shall have to quote Leo Amery to Chamberlain in 1940:
"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.".
4 people have spoken:
Wasn't that Cromwell?
It was, I thought it was Churchill but not him! Doh, so put the correct reference of how it was used in 1940 to Chamberlain.
Yes, something definitely Cromwellian about that one.
Yeah, was Cromwell but repeated since in 1940.
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