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Paul Flynn - Bigoted lying farmer hating MP

Some time ago there was a post on the webshyte of my local piss poor MP, a man(and I use that word in the loosest sense of the word) who go's out of his way to tar all farmers and people who work in or make their living from the countryside with the brush of being inbreds and out of touch with modern society.

I repost it here word for word.
Link: From dire libel case losing MP Paul Flynns webshtye blog.

"I HATE the countryside and everything to do with it, tax-avoiding farmers, blood-lust yokels and inbred simpletons, four-wheel-drive snobs, gun-totting toffs, meat-eating murderers and – finally – I deplore the rural set, who think themselves above anyone else and are wholly out of touch with modern society."

That the opening sentence of an article today by former Countryside Alliance lackey Mark Hinge who now cavorts around Cardiff Bay as a lobbyist.

Got it in one, Mark.

So there you have it, live or work in the countryside then this is what Paul Flynn MP thinks of you, as he said "Got it in one Mark."

And now he carries on about the fact that his own government has decided to gas badgers. And so another crass comment floating to the top from the turd that is my local MP:
Link:from Paul Flynn's read my webshyte
As always, right wing rural morons and farming unions see mass killing of animals as the answer to all country problems. TB in cattle is a menace and costs the taxpayers £80 million last year in free insurance to farmers. There have thunderous demands to slaughter badgers blamed as the main carriers of the disease
So if you disagree with Mr Flynn on gassing badgers, then he thinks that you are a "right wing rural moron", I am sure that he will not be mentioning that come the next election when he starting seeking support...Any chance the man from DEFRA can gas one sick and bitterly twisted back bench MP as well?

As for his inane comments on badgers well first off he is wrong, badgers spread tb and so need to be culled. Of course the rights of farmers to work and yes turn a profit come a poor second in Mr Flynns view to that of a group of tb reactors infecting cattle.

My own view is to set up a badger Vernichtungslager and gas them all.

**Oh details of Mr Flynn's libel case are back on his Wikipedia page - this has the apology that he posted on his webpage and then took down as soon at the first opportunity - wonder how long it will be before some New Labour assistant pulls it off the page?

Oh and re the badger cull, first will Ron Davies be keeping an eye out for them and secondly will fellow shyte Newport MP Jessica "Call me Jess." Morden be ready to stitch up Ron as she did on behalf of the Labour party once before?...
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