An illegal immigrant has demanded to be flown home after saying he was fed up with British people - because they are "rude and unfriendly".
**Great, lets tell them all to fuck off and hope they leave asap.
Speaking today, Mokhtar Tabet, 30 - who has been given a home, food and free travel around London - claims his local council has breached his human rights by moving him to a place he does not like.
He was refused asylum in 2004 and is set to be deported.
He said: "The council evicted me from my home in September and moved me to Streatham, which I don't like.
"The new place is small, and the kitchen closes at 9pm, so I can't have anything to eat late at night. They have taken away my human rights."
**Er, WTF? The kitchen closes at 9pm an that is some how taking away his human rights? How exactly?
A spokesman said: "Mr Tabet was accommodated in Norbury Crescent, with Croydon Council paying his rent, council tax and utility bills.
"In July, his landlord gave him two months' notice to quit the premises, and the council offered him a flat in Anerley Road, which he refused citing its poor state of repair.
"The necessary repairs were carried out and he again refused it.
"He was told that refusal would amount to him making himself intentionally homeless and he would be placed in hostel-style accommodation. He agreed to this."
**So he made himself homeless and now whines like a bitch.
Mr Tabet is entitled to return to Algeria at his own expense and admits that he "does not like it here".
But he refuses to do so and says Britain will have to pay for his travel if it wants him to leave.
He moaned: "I miss Algeria. The English people are not helpful, they are so unfriendly and rude.
**Ok, how about this if Mr Tabet wants to go back I shall give him £10 towards his airfair and call him a whiney bastard as well. But it gets better...
He moaned: "I miss Algeria. The English people are not helpful, they are so unfriendly and rude.
"I thought I had made friends in Croydon, but when I ask them for money they don't give me it, so I know they can't be my friends."
**So you beg and they turn you down, well tough shit buddy get a fucking job I say. Oh hang on you have benefits.
He now receives £32 a week in vouchers from Croydon Council to buy food with while he awaits deportation.
Unsatisfied at this, he griped: "Croydon Council only gives me food vouchers, they won't give me cash. I want the money.
**And I want him to shut the fuck up and fuck off. He is fed so thats all he needs.
"I have nothing to buy new clothes with, I have to go to a refugee centre. But if there's not anything nice there, you leave with nothing.
"I want the council to give me a bigger flat and money instead of vouchers."
**Jesus H Christ, he is a moaning bastard to be sure. Hell I want a free flat and some free money, alas I have to fund shits like this from the taxes clawed off me by the one eye'd one in No.10 Downing Street.
Mr Tabet suffers from diabetes, a retina disease and kidney failure and believes he should be allowed to stay in the country so he can continue to get free NHS care.
He said: "The Home Office said I could afford the medicine back home, but I can't, I don't have a job."
**Oh my heart bleeds, he wants to stay and sponge off the hard working Brits.
Mr Tabet admits that since he was refused asylum he has "stayed and no one has said anything about it".
But a spokesman from the Border and Immigration Agency insisted he can expect to be deported. He said: "The period between an individual being refused asylum and their removal will vary from case to case depending on individual circumstances. He is being processed through our returning scheme.
"Individuals are free to apply for a new passport and return voluntarily at any time. It's a case of if he wants to return on his own dollar or ours."
**Come on you fine men & women of the Border and Immigration Agency, lets get him back home and save the hard working taxpayers a few quid. He don't like us and well he would as he said be happier back home.
Tags: Mokhtar Tabet, Illegal Migrants, Cool Britannia New Labour
5 people have spoken:
Its parasites like him that are ruining this country. Deporting him is too good for his ilk. Shoot them at dawn I say.
I would say make him pay for the bullets as well, but as he is on benefits it would be the taxpayers paying...again.
The only human rights being breached here are:
The rights of the British people not to be stolen from by the state in order to buy his crap for him
His right, and the rights of the British people, to cooperate with each freely i.e. for him to work and us to employ him
Cut off his benefits and let him stay (or go home if he wants, and can afford it). He'll work or he'll starve or he'll bugger off.
I don't see why people like that are tolerated; kick him out of the country and let him find someone else to kiss his ass.
Damn straight, as I said I would even go as far as to pay £10 towards the cost of him fucking off back to his home land.
I am sure that he will really be a great asset to that nation.
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