FOXNews - A 19-year-old female victim of gang rape who initially was ordered to undergo 90 lashes for “being in the car of an unrelated male at the time of the rape,” has been sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail for telling her story to the news media.
The new verdict was handed down by Saudi Arabia’s Higher Judicial Council following a retrial, the Arab News reported. The new verdict issued on Wednesday also toughened the sentences against the six men to between two and nine years in prison.
And only a short while back New Labour minister Kim Howells told a conference ahead of a state visit by Saudi leader King Abdullah that the two states could unite around their "shared values".
I wonder if he still believes that we share values with such a barbaric nation?
Still maybe thats what New Labour mean when they stated Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime...
Tags: Saudi Arabia, Kim Howells, Cool Britannia New Labour
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