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Islamic Crossdressing...

Hit tip to Fortress Australia

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Soldiers manning a checkpoint near Baghdad stopped a wedding convoy to find that the purported bride and groom were wanted terror suspects, an Iraqi Defense Ministry official said Monday.

The army set up the checkpoint last week in the Taji area, about 12 miles (20 kilometers) north of Baghdad.

The soldiers became suspicious of the convoy because its members -- save the "bride" -- were all male and because one of the cars in the convoy did not heed orders to stop, the official said.

Also, soldiers said, the people in the car seemed nervous and the groom refused to lift his bride's veil when soldiers asked him to, according to the official.

Soldiers ordered everyone out of the car, the official said.

Upon inspecting the convoy, soldiers found a stubbly-faced man, Haider al-Bahadli, decked out in a white bride's dress and veil.

**What is it with islamic terrorists and dressing up like women?

Bahadli was wanted on terror-related charges, as was his groom, Abbas al-Dobbi, the official said.

Two other terror-related suspects were detained as well.

**So I guess the honeymoon is going to be held at Club Gitmo?

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Some other crossdressers....moslem crossdressing and more moslem crossdressing


4 people have spoken:

Hannah said...

Check out http://www.themidnightsun.org/?p=1195 by Aurora. It shows even more how perverted Islam is.

Fidothedog said...

Yeah, seen that one. I just noticed that the crossdresser that they caught in Iraq looks a bit like Barbara the taxi driver from League of Gentlemen...

MathewK said...

I saw this elsewhere but didn't see the story behind it, i thought it was like a training exercise or a joke or something. Thanks Fido.

Fidothedog said...

Yeah, another one dressing up like a lady. Just so they be hard macho terrorists you understand.

Although my rather disturbed mind does ask the question of was "he" wearing just the ladies outer garments, or did he wear the whole lot including bra etc?

Just for detail, not that he would be enjoying such things.

Mind you did Mo actually say it was wrong to crossdress?