

The National Debt Clock.

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Public payroll pigs.We pay for private education of Foreign Office staff children.

Taxpayers are having to pay more than £20m per year so that Foreign Office staff can have their children educated at some of the most expensive private boarding schools in the country.

Last year the Foreign Office funded 540 children through private schools in the UK as a perk for its staff who can get posted around the world.
But the bill for these children - approximately £24,000 each - had to be picked up by the taxpayer.

In some cases no expense was spared as nine children were funded through Eton, eight at Winchester and one at the exclusive girls' school Roedean - in the last year alone.

**Whats wrong sending them to a state school? Unless like in George Orwells Animal Farm, its a case of some animals being more equal than others...

Then we have this chap 100K for doing nothing, well other than porking an illegal migrant that is...Shagging Judge and the illegal migrant cleaner

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2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

And they'll probably be saying private schools are for the nasty rich folk and the masses need public school.

Fidothedog said...

I just love the way they spend ever more of my money on themselves.