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Government pay moslems jizya tax -

"Muslim groups get £70m to tackle extremism," by Joanna Sugden in the TimesOnline

Muslim groups will receive £70 million in Government funds to help tackle extremism in "ungoverned spaces" such as internet chat rooms and snooker halls.
**Ah yes snooker halls, those well known hang outs for wanna be Osama types.
Hazel Blears, Communities Secretary, said that the money will be targeted at Muslim communities and rejected suggestions that the funding discriminated against other faith groups.
**Its just they choose to act not blow shit up when they get annoyed.
Speaking on the Today programme on BBC Radio this morning, Ms Blears defended the Government’s decision to give the cash to Muslim rather than Christian or Jewish groups. “There is support for faiths across Government, but let’s be honest about this - what we are about is saying that we have a problem of radicalisation and extremism in a small minority of areas and communities.” Ms Blears said that it was the job of Government to support minority groups and enable them to be more resilient.
**In other words they are throwing money at the problem and hoping that they will pay off the jihadists.
In a speech today the minister will make her first foray into tackling radicalisation and extremism in the community. She will announce plans to “beat the terrorists at their own game” by extending the fight against terrorism to gyms, cafes and the internet where increasingly-sophisticated techniques are used to recruit youngsters.
**Oh I can't wait, I bet they set up a facebook group.
Ms Blears said: “This is a generational issue. We have got to get to young people - five to 15-year-olds, as well as the teenagers who are currently being targeted - and strengthen their resilience, so that they can say to the extremists ’I am comfortable with being a Muslim in Britain today and I want no part of it’.”
**Bloody hellski, its the old re-hash of the "Just say no" that used to be on the telly warning young folk about the dangers of drugs.

What Blears & co need to realise is that it is a matter of religion - holy jihad against the infidel, a few rounds of snooker and some fancy internet web pages are not going to resolve that. So paying money to moslems for causing problems is just telling them that the dhimmi is now paying the jizya.
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2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

And you won't ever hear these govt. folks saying anything about the religious aspect of it.

Well, the message to all the other minorities is blow people and things to smithereens, slit throats and cause mayhem, they'll give you money, who says crime and evil doesn't pay.

Fidothedog said...

The govt are just covering up blackmail, do as we say or we bomb you.