

The National Debt Clock.

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82% of Somali's in the UK have never worked.

Yep. 82% of them. On benefits and living here in the UK, well when they are not swanning off to some third world Arabic toilet to wage jihad that is.

Yes what with all the rape, murder, drug dealing and assorted other crime they truly add to the vibrant and multicultural society as envisioned by Brown/Blair and the Guardian reading leftists.

Oh and they have a thing for crossdressing, still its another tick box they can sign on the assorted DSS forms so I guess thats no bad thing, well for them anyway.

Ye olde Tags:


2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

I'm shocked, shocked that leftists would allow this to continue./sarc

Fidothedog said...

Its New Liebour, this is a normal day for them :-)