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BBC to spread propaganda in schools.

The BBC is to provide political analysis for every schoolchild, in a controversial web venture. Mark Thompson, the Director-General, announced the plan during a speech on trust, in which he also defended the “rottweiler” interview techniques of Jeremy Paxman.

Mr Thompson promised to “transform the way the BBC connects with British democracy”. This would be achieved by establishing “the world’s most creative multimedia portal which will offer comprehensive political coverage and analysis to every secondary school in the UK”

The portal will give children the BBC’s analysis of issues such as the European Union Treaty, asking whether it involves a significant transfer of powers from Britain.

But the new venture, which remains uncosted, comes as BBC staff threaten industrial action over thousands of job cuts, prompted by a reduced licence fee settlement.

**So the BBC will be putting its view in the schools. Not an unbiased view stating facts, but the BBC's analysis of issues.

That would be the same BBC who decide not to offend muslims on Casualty by dropping plans to screen a terror attack.

That would be the same BBC slated by Anna Ford a newsreader who left the BBC over its atmosphere of fear, who said :

  • "I must sound very old fashioned when I use the word vulgarity, but we are constantly seeing people on screen who are of low intelligence and low educational and whose views on everything seem to be made important."

That would be the same BBC which on its Newsround webpage(aimed at children) it inferred that the 9/11 terror attack was America's fault. My previous bit on that.

That would be the same BBC that was accused of "parroting" Al Qaeda propaganda to children as young as six. A comment made by Dame Pauline Neville Jones, who is also a former BBC governor, infuriated at the stance the corporation's Newsround programme took on the September 11 attacks.

That would be the same BBC that decided to ban the word faggot in the Pogues song Fairytale of New York, as detailed on their website here. Then about 24 hours later they climbed down and decided that the word faggot was okay again. A humiliating climbdown.

That would be the same BBC that after deciding to slash thousands of jobs wasted £120,000 on "free" food and drinks for 4000 BBC staff. Oh thats free food and drinks all paid for from the license tax link

That would be the same BBC who took terrorists paintballing - From Biased BBC - BBC "took terrorist trainers paintballing"

That would be the BBC that fixes competitions, like this oh and the by now infamous Blue Peter competition fix.

That would be the same BBC that sends its staff on a mandatory new training programme to teach honesty to BBC staff: link.

That would be the same BBC that has failed to promote proper debate on major political issues because of the inherent liberal culture of its staff, a report commissioned by the corporation has concluded: link

That would be the same BBC that employs people from terrorist channel Al Jazeera...link

That would be the same BBC who apologized to the Taliban terriorist scum: link (Yes our state broadcaster apologized to the people who cut off heads, kill our troops, oppress their women, sell drugs to the infidels, lop off children's hands for flying kites and pray that dhimmi MP Paul Flynn gets more influence with Gordon Brown with his tales of woe)

That would be the same BBC that claims terrorists are an urban myth created by the jews and JW Bush...link

BBC offers aid and moral support to Taliban terrorists, claim that no army is as mobile as them(Inshalla): Link

That would be the same BBC that lies about casualty figures in the Lebanon(If the BBC has a problem with me calling them liars can they please e-mail me and we can sort out a case that I shall win): Link

That would be the same BBC offering support to Palestinian terrorist scum: link (Come on BBC defend your position please, offer to sue me...)

That would be the same BBC who went to court to suppress the Balen Report on BBC bias with regards their coverage of the middle east. A report that they spent tax payers money on, the BBC has no money of its own. Then after reading the report and as it did not fit the BBC view, they decided to bury it. Even going as far as to waste yet more tax payers money fighting a court case to cover up their bias.

"Die Breite masse eines volkes fallt einer grosse luge leichter zum opfer als einer kleinen", wrote Adolf Hitler, which roughly means, "the broad mass of the people will fall victim more easily to a big lie than a small one ". That could easily be the motto for the BBC.

The question should be not should they spread their lies to the schools but what are they going to do to clean up the BBC first?A little tune on the license tax.http://homepage.ntlworld.com/seb.hunt/

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:

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3 people have spoken:

AngryDave said...

The BBC are just as corrupt as the government, thats why our corrupt government gave the BBC the right to open our wallets and help themselves. They should make their money like every other tv station, but then the government would not have a propoganda machine in its pocket.
I have Sky, and rarely ever watch the BBC (if i can help it). I now watch sky news as i am fed up with seeing 'adverts' for whatever subject is on panorama that week. Funnily these 'reports' cease once the episode of panorama has aired.
Funny that.

Fidothedog said...

BBC= Commie terrorist scum paid for from an out of date tax.

Damn I hate them so much.

MathewK said...

Getting to the young ones first ey, have to raise the next generation of socialist parasites, can't have any filthy conservative British ideas instilled in them ey, they might end up turning on their cowardly leftie masters. I share you dislike of them too Fido.