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Clowns - Wrong in so many ways. The only good clown is a dead one...

A good move

Clowns are too scary for kids in hospital and are not the best decoration for children's wards, according to new research.

A survey found that decorating wards with images of clowns was more likely to frighten young patients than cheer them up.

More than 250 children aged between four and 16 were asked for their opinions - and every single one said they disliked clowns as part of hospital decor.

Even some of the older children said they found clowns scary, Nursing Standard magazine reported.

The youngsters were questioned by the University of Sheffield for the Space To Care study aimed at improving hospital design for children.

As I stated before on the subject of clowns: link

1/ Now clowns are not funny, they are not clever in the way that they parade about. Now this is not to suggest that all people who dress up are wrong, for example mimes have a certain amount of talent, well if standing still for hours or pretending to trapped in a box is a talent? They then have some talent, (Mimes can be excused as at least some of them are normal outside of miming that is.)Nor are clowns deserving of money for the way that they dress. Honking of horns and falling over fifty times in a few minutes is not funny, however a clown falling in front of a bus or other heavy goods vehicle and dying from multiple organ failure as a result is funny in the same way that it happening to a chav would also be funny and also a blessing to society as whole. Honking a horn, possession of a red fucking nose is not a basis for comedy, neither is over large shoes and the usual clown garb of loud clothes. It makes them look like a wanker.

2/ Clowns are 99 out a 100 times social perverts of some type or another. Pick a perversion and yep, you can bet your arse (quite literally) that a clown has been caught at it at some point. Yep everything from abusing kids, dogging, hanging about outside of schools right through to mass murder. Yes clowns have done them all.

One classic clown was
a certain Mr John Wayne Gacy. Apparently it is common for clowns to avoid the use of blue face paint, as this is considered bad luck. Although not as much bad luck as the many victims of Mr Gacy had when they fell afoul of him.
An lastly a bad taste clown related joke:

What's the worst thing about being a paedophile? You get blood on your clown suit.

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