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New Labour - Tough on crime and tough on the causes...

Well after ten years what a fucking fantastic job they have done, when we have things like this happening here in New Labours "Cool Britannia"

A SCHOOLGIRL was raped by a gang who poured caustic soda over her body to destroy DNA evidence.
The 16-year-old was left fighting for life with terrible burns from the drain-clearing chemical.
She was under heavy sedation at a specialist burns unit last night as sickened police called the attack by five youths a new low.
The gang beat the teenager before taking turns to rape her in an empty house in Tottenham, North London. .....

**New Liebour apologists, aparachniks, dumb fucks who voted for the cunts and still cant admit they were wrong can just go hang themselves, no go on seriously the world is better off without you, no debate you have failed in every way, just amoral cunts of the first order and would be better off dead.
Some more for Labour voting filth to feel oh so proud of, what a fantastic society their party and their actions have created:Link

The widow of a man kicked to death outside his home demanded action yesterday to stop yobs terrorising the streets.

Garry Newlove's wife Helen told how her family had been destroyed weeks after the couple's 21st wedding anniversary.

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4 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

Reading about what's happening in your county is depressing, i don't know how you deal with it Fido. And i too can't understand the folks who continue to vote for this lot, have they no shame or humanity. Hang in there mate.

MathewK said...

One more thing, i'll bet they won't jail the scumbags who did this to her for more than a few years, a rope or a bullet to the head is what they really deserve.

Scott Freeman said...

Three words:

Concealed. Carry. Pistol.

Fidothedog said...

The nanny state would never allow it, defend ourselves from the multicultural enrichers of our society, from the drug addlied chavs? Can't do that.