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BBC - State run communist propagada.

You got to love the BBC - Always standing up to do the work of the terrorists here in the UK.

British troops executed as many as 20 Iraqi prisoners after a gun battle in May 2004, lawyers claim.

Some alleged survivors of the gun battle near the southern Iraqi town of Majar al-Kabir also claim corpses were mutilated by UK military personnel.

Solicitor Phil Shiner said: "We would be very surprised if [the evidence] did not shock the nation."

All claims of any kind of abuse by British troops have been strongly denied by the Ministry of Defence.

**But after this was investigated(twice) no evidence was shown that UK troops carried out execution style killings of civilians.

The BBC state - the BBC "...has seen no proof that prisoners died at the hands of their captors ..."

Even though the BBC has debunked this story they want so much for it to be true, to cast doubt on the troops, their fine work and to cast slurs in all directions. Such is the depths of hatred held by the left wing Guardian reading elite who staff the BBC, an organisation funded by the taxpayer that spreads poison about this nation and all it stands for.

More on this program here

Army commanders have rubbished the allegations, which have already been investigated by the Royal Military Police and by independent monitors from the International Red Cross.

One would think that our state run broadcaster should report the debunking of false claims, rather than being the propaganda wing of Al-Quada.

Who needs a radical spokesbeard living in a cave to make videos in Arabic when the BBC's Panorama program will broadcast lies for them?

Lets sell off the BBC. Make the loony lefties who run it have to get a real job, although once removed from El-Beeb's ivory towers and a state funded lifestyle, 9 out 10 of them would end homeless and selling the Big Issue.

Still what do you expect from the elite anti-semitic Jew haters of the BBC who ignore Palestinian savagery and spin it against Israel, then hurry off to court to suppress the Balen Report on BBC bias with regards their coverage of the middle east.

A report that they spent tax payers money on, the BBC has no money of its own. Then after reading the report and as it did not fit the BBC view, they decided to bury it. Even going as far as to waste yet more tax payers money fighting a court case to cover up their bias.

"Die Breite masse eines volkes fallt einer grosse luge leichter zum opfer als einer kleinen", wrote Adolf Hitler, which roughly means, "the broad mass of the people will fall victim more easily to a big lie than a small one ".

That I feel should be the motto of the BBC.

A little tune on the license tax.http://homepage.ntlworld.com/seb.hunt/

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:

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