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Communism - Alive and well on New Labour back benches.

Well we have the nationised Northern Rock - a bank that has its debts on the nations books, a bank so inept it went to the wall - the fiscal version of British Layland.

But the most telling thing is the crowing of the old style communists of New Labour - I hand over to the words of proven libel case loser and my local MP Paul Flynn:

An eruption of pent-up socialism is shaking parliament. Last night the ‘Red Flag’ was sung in the Strangers’ bar. At dinner time today, 136 Labour MPs, including Peter Hain voted against the party’s whip.

**That would be the same Peter who has resigned whislt being investigated for his "expenses" who was refered to as incompetent by his boss the unelected Gordon Brown PM.

It’s thrilling and invigorating. Labour MPs are the happiest they have been for a decade. This week, we nationalised a bank and struck a blow for low paid exploited workers. These are the core Labour party policies thye like of which we have rarely seen in recent years. We have had two fixes in one week.

**That will be the workers who to all intents are now on the public payroll. Sadly industries in the states hand have a poor record here in the UK, being devoid of market forces and propped up by taxpayers money doled out no matter what.

When I was about ten years old I avidly read the booklets produced by the Left Book Club. They cost about 7 pence each and were devoted to single issues. One of them was ‘Nationalising the Banks’ by, I think, John Strachey. George Orwell said you know when a Labour Government is serious when they nationalise the banks.

**How apt that they quote Orwell who warned us of a super state in 1984, something that I believe New Labour are using as a guide book for government.

I warn people now we are heading to a communist future, the Labour party want it via the back door as to the EU.

Maybe the communists of the Lbour party should realise that running business is not the states place, all that does it remove the "threat" of competition - a dirty word to socialists - and should "bankruptcy" occur all that happens is the tax payer bails out the inept bosses and poor working practises.

Add to that their ideas of municipal socialism and sexual propaganda on the community charge - something that PM Margaret Thatcher commented on in 1987 and you can see that the looney left of yester year have now taken over the country.
Link to Paul Flynn's article on his communist leanings.

Maybe comrade Flynn and his brothers would care to comment on the supine FSA trying to bring pressure on Vince Cable MP?

Fsa attempt to gag MP.

The head of the financial watchdog criticised for not acting sooner to prevent the Northern Rock scandal tried to gag a senior MP who warned the bank was heading for disaster, it was claimed.

Financial Services Authority chairman Sir Callum McCarthy telephoned Lib Dem deputy leader Vince Cable in September and accused him of "scaremongering."

He told Mr Cable Northern Rock was not caught up in the sub-prime mortgage fiasco in the US.

Hours later the bank admitted it had been hit by the cheap mortgage collapse there.

And it is now clear Mr Cable was right to argue the bank had offered too many cheap loans to people who could not repay them.

"Sir Callum said I was scaremongering, that there was no problem with the bank and that it had a good loan book, and any problems were due to international markets beyond its control," said Mr Cable.

He said Sir Callum accused him of adding to the panic by criticising its management.

"I told him it was obvious the bank had acted recklessly offering multiples of income mortgages," added Mr Cable."


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