Men using brothels and massage parlours should be made to give DNA samples in an effort to reduce the number of prostitute murders, an MP has said.
Ex-Labour minister Denis MacShane told the House of Commons that such tests would also be "a way of getting men to face up to their responsibilities".
The suggestion comes a week after Steve Wright was convicted of the murder of five prostitutes in Ipswich.
The government is carrying out a review of the laws surrounding the sex trade.**Now I may be missing the point here but don't men visiting such establishments tend to leave DNA deposits behind them anyway? Maybe they could rope in the sex workers to collect the samples, after all everyone else seems to be on the government pay roll these days....
2 people have spoken:
Fuckimg mad.
It's a bit like getting DNA samples from drug users and trying to protect the poor victimised fucking dealers.
Either make it legal or illegal, but don't try making the man the criminal for partaking of an offering, and automatically make the prossy the victim.
But that is New Liebour through and through, want to protect women but won't make prostitution legal.
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