Sometimes you have to look at our MP's and weep at their actions. One would assume that someone elected to the post of MP would have at least some common sense, sadly in the case of Colin Burgon(and others listed below) this is not the case.
He released the following EDM(Early Day Motion) in the House of Commons, praising the mass murderer Fidel Castro the skies.
Can I refer the right Hon. gentleman to the following:
A little article that show that Cuba is nothing more than a soviet style gulag with palm trees: Link:http://www.newstatesman.com/200711080021
Plus: http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=6917
Also: http://www.pen.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/912/prmID/174
A jailed Cuban journalist whose health is rapidly deteriorating in the face of prison-contracted diseases has been chosen as one of four writers to mark the Day of the Imprisoned Writer on 15 November. The special day, held on the same date each year, is organised by PEN, the writers' organisation that backs persecuted authors around the world.
Normando Hernández González was imprisoned in 2003 for reports and broadcasts on the internet and Radio Martí that were said by the government to endanger security. Hernández was found guilty of spying and threatening national security, crimes that carry a 25-year jail term. He was one of 75 journalists arrested in the Cuban government crackdown on the press in 2003 and, according to PEN, remains one of 59 still held by the regime.
He was thrown a glimmer of hope a few months ago when the government of Costa Rica effectively granted him asylum in absentia, launching a plea for his release after reports of a downward turn in his condition.
The move came about after Hernández's mother, Bianca González, appealed to Costa Rican legislators to intervene.
José Manuel Echandi, a former Defender of the Citizens in Costa Rica, answered the call and accused Cuba of torture in blocking the journalist's release.
The Cuban journalist's illness has been partly brought about by a hunger strike he began six months ago, but he has also contracted tuberculosis in prison. Hernández has spent most of the past 12 months in a maximum security prison, but was recently moved to a hospital for treatment.
At Echandi's request, Costa Rica asked Cuba to free Hernández and allow him to be transferred across the Caribbean Sea for health care attention in that country. When they received no response, Echandi wrote to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, to seek help to speed his release.
Press freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders is also backing the request that Hernández should be transported to Costa Rica.
"Humanitarian concerns are clearly paramount as regards all prisoners of conscience," the organisation said.
Cuba has more journalists locked up than any other country in the world, apart from China. Those still held since March 2003 are serving sentences ranging from 14 to 27 years.
According to Reporters Without Borders, three journalists held in Cuba were arrested after Fidel Castro's brother Raú took over the running of the country last year.
Now for Mr Burgon's EDM:As Devils Kitchen stated each every person who signed this is a cunt.
Shame on him and all the piss poor politicians who through their actions allow the communist dictatorship in Cuba to torture, kill and oppress the rights of free expression of Cuban nationals.
Shame especially on Paul Flynn a man who bangs on much about human rights, yet avoids issues on Cuba/Palestine poor record re the human rights question. Come on Mr Flynn any chance you will comment on Cuba's human rights record(or lack of) or is it all socialists/communists together....
Any chance that Mr Flynn or Colin Burgon or any of the other fools who signed this EDM would express some support for Normando Hernández González, or do we see their true colours as communists happy to run torture chambers in Cuba.
Below is a list of the usefull idiots of the communist dictatorship in Cuba that have signed the EDM and ignored the cries of freedom from the oppressed people of CUBA:
**Please note that the majority of links go to New Labour MP's, none of which care about the human rights of oppressed Cubans. I hereby challenge them all to put forward an EDM calling for Cuba to hold multi party elections, open the gulags and allow free speech, free assembly etc.
Tags: CUBA
Oscar Elias Biscet
Combinado del Este prison
Armando Valladares
Lino Fernandez
Isla de Pinos
Elsa Morejon
Fidel Castro
Normando Hernández González
**Update I asked Mr Flynn on his website about Normando Hernández González and posted this:
This is the first I have heard about this imprisoned journalist. I'll make inquiries.
If the information quoted is true, of course I would support the journalist and I have backed persecuted journalists in other countries.
**It will be interesting to see if he will, or if he will be pushing the Labour party to make some form of protest against the communist dictatorship in Cuba. Of course a quick search of the internet and human rights finds many more cases of oppression in the sunny isles of Cuba, it just depends if left wing MP's wish to take off the rose tinted glasses with regards their view of Fidel and his abhorrent dictatorship.
4 people have spoken:
"This is the first I have heard about this imprisoned journalist."
Are we supposed to believe this buffoon, i suppose he has never heard of what happens in Cuba? That's just tripe Fido. Back when i was a kid, i read about what happened in Castro's jails and that was a good number of years ago and this buffoon in a first world country with the internet has never heard of such things.
Can you see the pigs gliding majestically past as well?
So true I brought it up with Flynn, lets see if he is a man of his word and castigates Fidel & co over their treatment of him and other people who speak out.
I hate leftards, but you have to admire their marketing skills. They have re-named the Communist Party of Breat Britain, and called it NuLab!
Could you not have found it in your heart to give special dispensation to yet another Labour fuckwit, adding his flabby name to your list of the utterly dispicable aswell?.
You know which twat I mean...
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