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Moslems - No sense of humour over Mohammed cartoons.

A plot to murder one of the 12 cartoonists who published the Motoons, was foiled early this morning when police and the Danish Security and Intelligence Service arrested 5 persons in Århus - Denmark's second largest city and home to Jyllands-Posten's headquarters.

This from Jyllands-Posten: (Link in English.)
Early Tuesday morning, Danish police arrested several people with a Muslim background suspected of conspiring to kill Kurt Westergaard, a Danish cartoonist with Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

Kurt Westergaard is one of the 12 cartoonists who on 30 September 2005 published cartoons of Muslim prophet Mohammed.

The group arrested includes Danish as well as foreign citizens. The Danish Security and Intelligence Service have followed the group for months.

The cartoons and an explanatory article led, as is well known, to the so-called Mohammed crisis involving violent demonstrations, the boycott of Danish goods and the burning of Danish embassies.

Kurt Westergaard’s cartoon depicting the prophet wearing a bomb turban with a lit fuse attracted particular attention. What the cartoonist wanted to say with his cartoon was that many people exploit the prophet to legitimize terror. However, the cartoon was widely seen as a depiction of the prophet as a terrorist.

Prepared to carry out murder over a cartoon and our nations socialist leaders think that followers of the Islamic faith don't pose a threat to our civilization! And so here are a few more mo cartoons:
Great thing freedom of speech, religion hates it.
All e-fatwa's/death threats to the usual e-mail address thanks.


4 people have spoken:

Englishsummer said...

"There are no jokes in Islam"!.

"There are no laughs in Islam"!.

"There is no fun in Islam"!.

The Ayatollah Khomieni

Proving once and for all what a barrel of laughs this insidious cult is!.

Fidothedog said...

Best way to beat them is to mock them and the kiddy fiddler MO.

Spirit Wolf said...

It's pretty sad that people get so caught up in superstitious BS that they are more than willing to riot and kill over a cartoon of some stupid guy who lived and died over 1,000 years ago. I'm sick to death of hearing about "people of religion" (whether Muslim, Sikh, or Christian) trying to control what the rest of us read, write, draw, think, see, do or say, and I'm especially sick of them demanding special dispensation for their superstitious idiocy. These people must be stopped in their tracks with a good firm slap on the muzzle, and not acquiesed to or given exemptions to laws and rules.

For more Mohammed cartoons, see:


Anonymous said...

I was looking at a picture on wikipedia that says “NAZI propaganda”

And I saw the pictures directed against the prophet Mohamed.

The first picture is dubbed “Anti-Semitic” and is assumed to be the work of the devil himself. The second picture is supposed to be some sort of manifestation of freedom and a sign of a healthy democracy. I’m not sure that I understand the absolute wisdom behind this paradox, because they both look the same to me.

I would love to see a Danish journalist, (“putting his money were his mouth is”), post the first picture in a Danish newspaper as an “opinion”. But I think this level of “freedom of speech” will only be found in wonderland.

After all, world wars usually do not start because of lack of justice but, rather, because of bi-standards.

And I think that boycotting Danish products is a valid way of expression. Besides, there is only one country in Europe that can really make fine products, and that’s Germany. The rest (except for Britain) are just tagging along.

Either way, I’m totally against threatening the safety of the guy (or guys) who drew those pictures ( I would’ve used the term artist, but the pictures are honestly deprived from any sense of art). But I think that boycotting is a valid way to express an opinion. And, I think that, if the EU is willing to conceal the Danish identity of any product, then, It’s a good day for Chinese products.