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New Labour - looking after fellow socialists pensions...

Council Spending Uncovered 3: Pension Contributions

Download the full report (PDF).

Andrew Allum, Chairman of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said:

“It’s unacceptable that ordinary families and pensioners who struggle to pay inflated council tax bills see so much of their money spent on gold-plated council pensions that have all but disappeared in the wider economy. With pension costs jumping 13 per cent in one year, the problem is clearly getting worse and requires urgent attention. Councils should start correcting their own behaviour immediately, and the Government must face down union pressure and reform the outdated local government pensions scheme as soon as possible.”

**Nothing needs to be added, get on ya knees and swallow some New Labour cock and ya pension is gold plated semen, have some morals and the cunts will let you starve to death.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking your MP's to task over their support of Fidel Castro. Sadly, it is this idiocy that has enabled this murderous dictator to stay in power for nearly a half century. Ziva, Babalublog

Fidothedog said...

Agreed, Fidel needs more exposure as the mass murdering shit he is, not docile MP's letting the brave people of Cuba suffer in silence.