

The National Debt Clock.

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Rwanda - Things just getting worse.

Rwanda, one of those places in Africa that sadly is always in the news for things going wrong. Now they have had another disaster hit them and once again my heart go's out to them.

What with the economic woes, the ethnic violence of a few years past and a corrupt inept government the poor folk of Rwanda are to be saddled with Pasha Blair, who has taken a job to help the nation gain private investment as it seeks to boost its economy.

After all we all know how Blair took a high profile job and resolved in sohrt order(sic) the problems of the Middle East, bringing peace to both Jews & Arabs.

Along with working towards running the EU, oh and landing a job or seven with various banks and other private companies.

Shortly after turning Rwanda into an African boom economy Blair may follow this up by walking on water or claiming that he is in fact Christ arisen.

Still spare a thought for the poor folk of Rwanda who now have to deal with that grinning buffoon.

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