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Ed Balls - Typical National Socialist New Labour double speak.

And it features New Labour's very own Piers Fletcher-Dervish, the dim Ed Balls.

They get driven 150 yards, whilst the rest of us get told they they may remove health care from the NHS should we not be healthy enough!

Two Cabinet ministers used their chauffeur-driven cars to travel 150 yards to a dinner party for Labour donors.

Schools Secretary Ed Balls and Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward were both driven in their ministerial cars from Downing Street to a Whitehall hotel.

Their chauffeurs stayed outside while they attended the fundraising event and then drove them - separately - to the House of Commons, 300 yards away.

Justine Greening, the Tory MP for Putney, has written Cabinet secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell - the country's most senior civil servant - asking whether the pair have broken the ministerial code.

This states that ministers should always make "efficient and cost-effective" travel arrangements.

A spokesman for Mr Balls said: "The Secretary of State was using the official car because he was expecting to have to vote and was working on official documents."

Chauffeur-driven cars for ministers cost taxpayers around £ 7million a year.

Matthew Elliott, the chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "This is a ridiculous waste of money. Politicians should not be using our money to live the high life - why can't they walk like normal people?"

**because as George Orwell stated in the New Labour policy guidebook 1984, some animals are more equal than others...Besides they honestly believe that a/ they are more important than us little people and b/ see no reason why normal rules should apply to them in any way what so ever.

As I stated before: Ed Balls is a sure sign that some gene pools have been allowed to stagnate and interbreed far to much.

A chinless New Labour wonder that shows that in some parts of the country inbreeding is still a major lifestyle choice.
Oh and on top of his wage he blagged £157,076 in expenses. Not bad for what is a walking hatstand.

Still this is Ed Balls an education minister so dim he can not remember the order of colours in a rainbow:From the BBC



2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

It seems that Nu Labour truly subscribe to the Orwellian book Animal farm, and as Balls is Napoleons - sorry Browns, right hand man, he sees fit to do as he pleases.

As can be said of all self-rightious communist dictatorships.

Fidothedog said...

In a way I sort of like Ed as he is such a twat that it is not difficult to take the piss out of him.