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No Referendum - Another New Labour Lie.

They(Labour) said on their election manifesto that we would be getting a chance to vote on Europe, then they changed their minds.

They decided that the treaty was different, so we plebs deserve not a voice.

Tonight the MP's voted not to give the public a referendum on Europe.

MPs reject EU treaty referendum.

We have had by that decision not to allow a vote, these MP's agreeing to our being a vassal state, subject to the will of the EU in most matters. Keeping only token powers for ourselves and to appease the mob, so our politicians can argue that we are a free nation.

Despite the fact that over 70% of our laws come via the EU these days, yet we here not a word on lowering the wages of our MP's by 70% to match the work outsourced to Europe.

Like vassal kingdoms of the past, the local power will pretend to be an independent state - sure we can raise our own taxes - but with regards the big decisions on policy, world view and our world voice- growing smaller by the day; all of that will be done by Europe.

Brown and co will be quite happy when thrown out to grovel at their masters feet like King Herod the Great groveled before Rome for scraps from the Republics table.

Hell maybe the EU will give him some office overseeing UK affairs from Brussels after awarding Mr Gordon Brown the title of Tetrarch over the UK.

As for the mob, most of them show more interest in Big Brother on TV, the latter day "bread and circuses" than for our political freedom as a nation.

Brown once stated at Prime Minister's Question Time: 'The message should go out today very clearly that decisions in this country are made in this House and not on the roof of this House.' - Alas as Mr Brown knows all to well and it would have been far more honest of him to admit that, they are made abroad and just rubber stamped in the House.

The more things change the more we see history repeat itself...

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Tonights the night that not only did Nu Labour lose the next general election, but the Liberals were shown up for the incompedent shower they undoubtedly are.

MathewK said...

I feel for you Fido, it's a sad day for you lot. That sniveling coward Brown, hopefully one day he'll get his just deserts.

Fidothedog said...

He will get what his deserts, when he does the gallows dance.