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Will the real Kurt Westergaard please stand up. Then again best not as the religon of peace want to kill him.

Denmark's security services have provided protection to namesakes of the Danish cartoonist behind controversial cartoons of Mohammed.

There are 82 Kurt Westergaards living in Denmark but only one of them is the man who life is under daily threat because of his caricatures of the founder of Islam.

However, some of other 81 "Kurts" scattered across Denmark have also received mistaken identity death threats because they share the same name as the illustrator.

One, a businessman from the Danish town of Aabenraa, has been offered protection by Denmark's intelligence agency, the PET, after receiving multiple death threats.

"The worst thing was that they also called my three children. They wanted to kidnap my family and murder me," he said.

Three weeks ago police arrested three men for conspiracy to murder the real Kurt Westergaard. He joked to media yesterday that "at least it takes some of the immense pressure off of me".

"As one of my friends put it, it's too bad for the Kurts," he said.

Cartoon caricatures of Islam's founding Prophet Mohammed were published in Danish newspapers two years ago triggering Muslim riots and violence which claimed the lives of over 50 people.

The recent reprinting of images in the Danish media, including one by Mr Westergaard of Mohammed wearing a turban concealing a bomb, have given rise to a new round protests and death threats.

Consider the number of moslems called Mohammed(and assorted spellings thereof) and you would think that maybe, just maybe they would think that there might be more than one Mr Westergaard in the country.

Still I guess that is what our dire Home Sec. Jacqui Smith would refer to as "anti-Islamic activity" - although strange how all this renamed terrorist hate is aimed at us infidels?

Hate e-mails from people called Mohammed(and various spellings thereof) to the usual e-mail address, thanks.

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

This whole story sounds like "Cult intellegence" to me.

If your not allowed to think on any issue regarding your very existance, - and your ordered to follow the words of the quran to the letter of the law. Then what else could we really expect, from the members of this "exalted and gloious", religion of peace?.

Anonymous said...


Have a look at this for God sake;


Communism alive and well and thriving in the U.K.

Fidothedog said...

Damn I hate the pc attitude to moslems and terrorist wallahs.