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Talentless Frence airhead Marion Cotillard does a U turn over 9/11 remarks.

I said that she would do this over her remarks with regards 9/11. In my previous post on French asshat Marion Cotillard I said:

Yet another US moonbat, who when she realises that this has truly fucked her chances in Hollywood will do the celeb thing of backtracking and claiming she was misquoted along with the usual therapy bullshit.

And so we now have this from Marion Cotillard, we now see spin going into action...

The 32-year-old actress, who last month scooped numerous best actress awards including a BAFTA for her portrayal of Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose, had said that the US regularly lied about major events, up to and including the terrorist attacks on New York.

But, faced with losing millions as the notoriously patriotic Hollywood film industry reacted against her vitriol, Cotillard claimed there had been a misunderstanding.

Her Paris-based lawyer Vincent Tolesano said: "Marion never intended to contest nor question the attacks of September 11, 2001, and regrets the way old remarks have been taken out of context."

The apology coincided with Cotillard preparing to fly to Chicago next week to start filming Public Enemies with Johnny Depp - a movie that was set to become the first big money spinner for the previously unknown actresses .

In fact Cotillard, a green activist for Greenpeace, had used an interview with the French channel Paris Première to make her views abundantly clear.

Speaking on the cinema discussion programme Paris Dernière in February 2007, Cotillard had said: "I think we're lied to about a number of things", even claiming the Americans had destroyed the Twin Towers themselves because the were an outdated "money sucker".

Expanding her conspiracy theory, Cotillard said it would been "a lot more expensive" to rebuild the towers "which is why they were destroyed", with the loss of thousands of American lives.

Cotillard, we as we can see is well known for her, er acting ability.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Fuck her "acting ability" we know of her mind.
She needs a check-up from the neck-up.

Fidothedog said...

Bless her she is French, says it all really.