

The National Debt Clock.

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Tom Watson, Labour MP for West Bromwich East & a totally parasitic cuntbubble.

If you are going to fuck over the public, then it is best to do so in style. Tom Watson has bent us(by us I refer to the taxpayers of the UK) over the barrel and with no lubricant rogered us all up the arse to the tune of £300,000+

Guido has somethings to say on his fiscal rape of the taxpayers.

Last year Watson pocketed his £60,000 salary and his parliamentary expenses amounted to £150,000-plus – bringing his total package to £211,000 - making him the 73rd highest claiming MP out of 646 MPs. Quite an achievement for an MP not claiming for travel to and from Scotland. He of course employs his wife Siobhan at the public's expense, his brother, Dan, is constituency director to Euro MP Michael Cashman, Dan Watson's wife, Joanna, has no fewer than three jobs. Like her husband, she also works for Mr Cashman and for Wolverhampton Labour MP Pat McFadden, yet still finds time to be a Labour councillor in Sandwell. Amy Watson, cousin of Tom and Dan, works for Birmingham Northfield Labour MP Richard Burden. The West Midlands constituency Labour Party offices are packed with Watsons...

The total annual cost to the taxpayer of the Watson family's five not-so-little piggies is in excess of £300,000. Far more than the disgraced Derek Conway fiddled...

**New Labour, still corrupt, still amoral, still lying, still out for number one, still out to live double standards. Communist fucks back in the 1970's and still communist fucks now.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Ah Animal farm...

Was George Orwell creating a scenario about Stalinist Russia?

Or could he well see a future where Nu Labour scum danced mockingly on his very grave?.

Its not just an entertaining novel anymore... Its the true reality of the Nu Labour situation we find implanted on us today. - And we're all the work horses, not just in the story but now in true reality, by the way....

Fidothedog said...

They get another term and the bastards will be rending us down for glue as well, then living high on the hog off of the proceeds.