

The National Debt Clock.

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That budget summery.

Before I say that can I just say that can we really trust a man who cannot colour coordinate his hair and eyebrows.

Yes Alistair Darling, our later day Squealer from New Labour's very own 1984 had his first and most likely last budget, he looked shifty, twitched and lacks hair/eyebrow coordiation.

And no I shall not stoop to asking what colour Squealers pubes are. Although if any MP's have stood next to him whist in the urinals in the House, could they answer that question...

Anyway the The Devils Kitchen

Blah... stability... blah blah... lie... another lie... none of this is our fault, it's the Tories wot done it... blah... introduce EU target and pretend that it was my idea... blah... lie... more lies... more stability... miss out some crucial lists about the shitness of our economy... blah... still the Tories' fault.

Further, another lie... waffle about trade but no mention that it is an EU competence... blah... lie... more tax on booze and cigarettes... blah... wank, toss... badger-baiting banned... waffle... lie... blah... I'm a fucking tossrag... since we've screwed over pensioners, we'll lob some more fuel money at them... blah... lie... utterly unrealistic projection... waffle... stumble... wank.

Lie, wank, environmental tosss... yet more crap about the lastest "science" though no mention of the Manhattan Declaration... blah... lie... justification for mor tax... wank... lie... yet another EU target masquerading as my idea... lie... another lie... crap... fucking over drivers... balls... careful avoidance of embarrassing figures... an egregious and outright lie... lie... wank... waffle... shit...

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Id like to start a rumour here, If I may, that Alistair Darling is the first in a long line of Nu Labour robots, specifically designed to be programmed by the "Great Leader" himself, at a time of his very own choosing.

This in effect, is the perfect way to snuff out in house bickering, and thus, stop any opposition to the "Great Leaders" plans.

When-ever a patsy is needed, one of these "Darling" figures will be wheeled out, for no other reason than to do our "Great Leaders", dirty work for him.

This, by in large should be enough to ensure that non of the more damaging shit sticks to McCaverty, and he can get on with destroying our Country, unabated and unchallenged from within his walls.

An updated version of this automation, can be clearly seen in the design of the Miliband goons.

Programmed with due care and attention, to be fiercely loyal, and totally at one with their Messiah, they spout the rhetoric of a paradise lost.

Well, - abandoned really - In twentieth Century Russia. - But the "Great Leader" refuses to let this sleeping dog lie.

There has how-ever, been an unfortunate anonomaly in the robotic design, in regard to the first attempt of female allegiance to our "Lord".

Margaret Hodge, - as is the case with most Nu Labour women, just cant seem to keep her big mouth shut, and recite propoganda in the correct order required, and as preordained, at Nu Labour H.Q.

The dismantling of the Proms is still some way down the line, and on this issue, the "Great Leader", was left embarrassed and infuriated by the trouble she caused.

Time for some drastic redesigning there then.

A Country designed by the "Great Leaders" robots for other more pitiful robots, - but those of the human race?.

I jest of course..... After all, it Couldnt happen here we're British!...

Fidothedog said...

Agree, that was the worst budget ever.