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BBC towelhead - paid for by the taxpayer.

The licence tax funded BBC has a new project.

Oh and we are paying for it.

But over to El-Beeb:

  • It will distinguish itself from other state-funded channels by reporting "without fear or favour", BBC World Service director Nigel Chapman said.

Really! Wow I am impressed.

  • This is the BBC's second attempt at an Arabic channel. The first closed in 1996 in the wake of an editorial dispute with its Saudi funders.

Great and we get to see it here back in ol Blighty?

  • The channel enters a crowded market, dominated by the Qatar-based al-Jazeera and the Saudi-funded al-Arabiya channels.

Guess not then as they are privately run channels rather than Uk based propaganda channels funded by the hard put upon taxpayers.

  • Recent TV channels financed by Western governments have struggled to make an impact, including the US-backed al-Hurra channel in Iraq and France 24 in Arabic.
But that won't stop the BBC thanks to hand outs from the taxpayers here in the land of the dhimmi.

  • The service is the BBC's first publicly-funded international TV service.
  • It has an annual budget of US $50m (UK £25m). This comes partly from a UK government grant, and partly from BBC World Service
Bet that makes you feel good as you have to pay out £135 per year, knowing that the BBC can piss you tax money away giving free tv to Arabic terrorists.

Lets close down the BBC I say, Inshalla and all that.

Oh, and no chance that the BBC will be revealing the anti-Israel Balen report that shows, or rather would show as we are not allowed to see it as the BBC went to court spending taxpayers money on the case to cover up the fact that the BBC is run by Jew hating anti-semites.

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