

The National Debt Clock.

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At the third stroke... Call for Mecca time...

You will be amputated of a head or hand....

It will be the dark ages....

You will be stoned to death...
Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.
Well no, its not the centre of the Earth. Mecca, like London is a point on the surface and just as valid as any other for a time zone. This is the centre of the Earth... Ok, I am being pedantic...

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

No doubts the cunts of Labour will allow some usage and adoption of Mecca Time in the UK.

I wonder why the muslim pig cock sucking cunts called their main gaff after a fucking bingo hall? Dumb as fuck the lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Muslim Scientists?

Now theres two words Ive never expected to see aligned to one another.

Its like putting Mohammed with religion.

Or Gordon Brown with democratically elected.

They just don't fucking go!!!