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Merthyr Tydfil: Land of our fathers, land of the sicknote more like.

Here be Dolescum...
The lovely town of Merthyr Tydfil
Some wag edited wikipedia page to show this, alas now removed: "who are unemployed, shiftless, indolent and lazy to the core. Happy to live on benefits and wave an NHS stick about to fool the jobcentre."
A place where work consists of the occasional trip to the Doc, a small amount of acting to renew ones sick note and the odd trip to see the nice folk down at the DSS for some extra money.

Indeed BBC Panorama even did a program on the fine folk of Merthyr, the program features some stars such as:
Trevor, who has been left without a medical assessment for 10 years; Peter and Rita, who have recently been shifted from incapacity benefits on to Job Seekers Allowance; and Calvin who hasn't worked for 20 years.
Such is life in New Labour's Cool Britannia...What is the odds that Trev, Peter, Rita and Calvin get given a job by the BBC? Its got to happen!

Some one in five has a dodgy ailment of some sort, now either this is the fucking ill place in the UK, hell maybe twinned with Chernobyl? Although it strikes me as it is full of shiftless chancers who see a life on the sick as better than standard benefits an hell it beats working for a living after all that is a mugs game.

But here is a clue, one third of these ill folk has no skills or qualifications. Bet it has not stopped them from working out how to claim our money...

Oh and the indolent fuckers seem to believe that they need at least £300 notes to get off their lard filled arses and to get back to work. That was the small minority of the Merthyr shiftless who actually wanted to work.

More details: http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2008/05_may/19/panorama.shtml

Cut the benefits and lets get Merthyr crying into their beer....

6 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

For more details on how to ponce for a living, shouldn't you have linked directly to the site of one Terry Kelly?

Fidothedog said...

I could do but that might encourage more people in that town to give up working...

Anonymous said...

I've got some inlaws in the Swansea area. My wife's uncles "partner", who hasn't worked in living memory, is grossly overweight due to the fact that she eats and drinks like an alcoholic pig. She can't drive, but every 3 years, she gets a new "free" car. Its not free actually, you & I pay for it. Her partner uses it for cash in the hand cabbing. Who do you think they vote for?

Fidothedog said...

Urban have they considered moving to that town as they would fit right in with the rest of the cunts.

I figured I would get more abuse but must put it down to them being thick as fuck as well as cunts.

Clunking Fist said...

I met a welshman once. he was a PC in the Met Police Service. As you might have guessed, he was a cunt.
After I visited cardiff, I realised they're not ALL cunts.
But a hell of a lot of them are shortarses.

Fidothedog said...

Clunking you should see the PCSO's we have, I swear some of the short ass fucks could pass as dwarfs and lardy pie eating dwarfs at that.