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Alistair Darling & Cyclops Brown: Take the piss.

Chancellor Alistair Darling today told families to tighten their belts and accept lower pay or risk inflation 'spiralling' to the levels of the 1970s.

As average pay rises fell behind the official rate of inflation for the first time, he said it would be 'disastrous' if Britain became locked in a Seventies-style vicious circle of spiralling wages and prices.

He spoke ahead of a Mansion House speech tonight as official figures showed that pay rises had slipped behind inflation for the first time.**Tighten our belts, oh do fuck off and die Darling.

Seriously what more can we tighten up on? Come on cunt for brains you tell me? Food costs rising, bills and utilities rising, unemployment going up meaning more people chasing less jobs, fuel costs rising.

Add that onto the 100+ fucking tax increases and stealth taxes that your one eyed boss has shoved up our collective ass as a nation and we are on the last fucking notch of the belt. Sadly Darling, the belt is not around your neck with me and every other hard put upon taxpayer in the land helping to slowly throttle you to death.

Fuck off Darling, you worthless commie fuckwit.

You, you worthless cunny have the badger faced cheek to ask us to tighten our belts.
All the while you and the other elected pigs that call themselves MP's get to vote on whether their pay should go up from £61,820 to more than £72,000.

Don't see any leading by example there Darling, no tightening of belts there, no worrying as so many do in this nation about should the choice be eating or paying a bill.

You could give up the food allowance on top of your wages, or maybe the travel allowance, or maybe the 2nd home allowances etc etc etc.
Gordon gives the thumbs up to belt tightening...(But not for him, just for the plebs who voted him in as PM, oh hang on we never got a choice on voting this cunt in he was lumbered on us by Blair when he fucked off...)

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

But surely the willingness of certain members of parliament to forego their pay increase this year means they are one with the people.

Mind you this usually means that they get double next year since 'We never had a pay increase last year'

This has happened before.

Fidothedog said...

Yep, the greed of politicians on Labours side is without measure.