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Knife crime: Gordon fails again.

What with the recent spate of killings in London and elsewhere, it would appear that it has woken government up. Gordon now has his eyes or rather eye on knife crime.

It has all suddenly gone very Daily Mail across government with Jacqui Spliff and others being wheeled out to talk the talk about getting tough on crime and tough on the causes, like we have heard oh so many, many times before.

Apparently we have a "knife Czar" someone called Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Alf Hitchcock. Who has been issuing statements all of a sudden, no pressure on PC plod from central government then! I have to say that I was not aware of said "knife Czar" until recent events. I wonder what other Czars New Labour have buried away until the crisis that effects them pushes them into "action". A rubbish "Czar" would be quite apt considering the bull put out by Jacqui Spliff of late.

Maybe there is also a fork and spoon Czar to make up the full set of kitchen equipment?

Jaqui "Kebab" Smith has had to do some backtracking over plans to have feral little fuckers guilty of knife crime meet the victims of said crime.

I am sure that is just what one needs whilst sitting in a hospital bed worrying about catching MRSA or C.Diff and with a large painful hole in your anatomy caused by say a feral chavscum, is for pc plod to haul in that feral chav to snigger at his handiwork. (A government U turn in 24 hours on that one)

But the other fucking bollocks put about is that it is knives that are the problem, no it is people using them to ventilate other people that is the problem. Yet we get this fucking shit off of both parties:

Tories - "Anyone caught carrying a knife without a good excuse should expect to go to prison, Tory leader David Cameron says"

Labour - "teenagers arrested for carrying knives may be forced to visit victims of fights in hospital"

A knife is a tool like any other and why the fuck should I or anyone else have to justify why I have a tool in my possession? The problem is the soft of crime, soft on punishment policies of Labour over the last 11 years and the desire amongst the social underclass to use them that has risen.

A factor in this is the almost total lack of prison building, thus we have prison overcrowding and Labour has brought in policies to let out criminals early(a result of which is more crime including stabbings).

Now for all the New Labour BS about being tough on crime, according to the Council of Europe and Civitas, here in the UK jail 12.4 prisoners per 1,000 crimes, compared with an EU average of 17.5.

So we are in fact compared to our Euro using friends across the Channel somewhat soft on crime, I would guess that Gordon does not have his eyes or rather eye on crime.

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Why spend millions on prisons where this will be the cheaper option and I'm sure there will be no shortage of unpaid volunteers as do the duties carried out by the 'fishing admirals':


Onto a different topic, there is news that Gay Italian Mafia Don's are afraid to reveal their sexuality for fear of ridicule or something slightly worse.

Could Harriet Harmen and the gay pimpernels like Thatchell and McKellan to go over to Sicily and tackle head on their fights for equality for gays.
